[hiprg] proposed HIPRG meeting slot change
"Henderson, Thomas R" <thomas.r.henderson@boeing.com> Wed, 20 July 2011 04:58 UTC
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From: "Henderson, Thomas R" <thomas.r.henderson@boeing.com>
To: "hiprg@irtf.org" <hiprg@irtf.org>
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2011 21:57:47 -0700
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Subject: [hiprg] proposed HIPRG meeting slot change
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Hi all, We've been asked whether HIPRG would be willing to move the meeting slot to Thursday morning at 0900-1130 from Wednesday morning at 0900-1130. Lars wants to move the IRTF open meeting to Wednesday to deconflict it with the Thursday mobopts RG meeting. >From my reading of the agenda, moving HIPRG to Thursday may be preferable for some of our participants who also attend core and mptcp working groups (which also are scheduled for Wednesday morning). Please let me know if moving HIPRG to Thursday morning, in place of the IRTF open meeting, will cause problems for your planned attendance; otherwise, I will let Lars know that the switch would be OK. - Tom
- [hiprg] proposed HIPRG meeting slot change Henderson, Thomas R