[Hipsec] Improving the resiliency of HIP against packet loss
Robert Moskowitz <rgm@htt-consult.com> Fri, 21 May 2010 07:34 UTC
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Tobias pointed out to me that currently HIP "is rather slow in cases of packet loss". What might we change to address this? Consider standard Internet packet lose and separately high packet lose over lousy (eg 802.15.4) networks. I should point out that the design for IEEE 11073 is that it will take a number of tries to get the data from a sensor to a controller. This protocol just keeps on polling until it gets a response.
- [Hipsec] Improving the resiliency of HIP against … Robert Moskowitz
- Re: [Hipsec] Improving the resiliency of HIP agai… Robert Moskowitz