Re: [Hipsec] [hiprg] Putting HIP on a Diet Tue, 18 May 2010 00:47 UTC
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Hi Bob, I squint towards this definition and evolution direction for HIP: "HIP a class of protocols built on a Host Identity, each bring a slightly different set of security claims and risks and a slightly different domain of use." This might make HIP more OPEN for many aspect. Thanks, Gao =================================== Zip : 210012 Tel : 87211 Tel2 :(+86)-025-52877211 e_mail : =================================== Robert Moskowitz <> 发件人: 2010-05-18 00:03 收件人, 抄送 主题 [hiprg] Putting HIP on a Diet I am posting this update to both mailing lists. Eventhough I started all of this and am now working hard to rev HIP for Standards Track, I still will follow establish procedures on evolving HIP. To that end, we are all fairly well aware that sensor vendors chafe at how much crypto cruft we load into a Key Management System like HIP and go about taking things out without really looking at the basis of why we do things as they are. Back during IETF 77 I committed to developing a slimmer HIP. A HIP Diet EXchange (DEX). To this end I reviewed all we have done and why and what the options are. A few key points have come out: The cost of Diffie-Hellman. Diffie-Hellman, even the Elliptic Curve version, is an important component in HIP, but it forces the use of HMAC to extract a uniformly distributed key. Other areas where HMAC are used COULD use CMAC (though need to work out a new puzzle mechanism, see below). The alternative to Diffie-Hellman is a key wrap by a RSA/ECC key, like in TLS. The Initiator CAN do this in I2, but it is HARD to get a key from the Responder in 4 packets. Putting an encrypted key in R2 would mean that the MAC in I2 is different than R2 (one possiblity) or if the encrypted key is in R1, then there are flooding attack concerns. All things to work out to pull D-H from a Dietetic HIP. Also, by definition, SIGMA compliance is built on Diffie-Helman. Perfect Forward Secrecy is build on Diffie-Hellman we would have to 'approximate' SIGMA with PK key wrapping; the same with PFS. The cost of HMAC. As I mentioned above, Diffie-Hellman currently requires HMAC. Otherwise HMAC use in both the puzzle and the HIP_MAC COULD be replaced with CMAC. The cost of hashing. Whew, HIP is built on hashing. What security claims do we really need for the HIT? Collision Avoidance enough? Could some compress function be used in place of SHA for HIT generation? Switching to CMAC over HMAC addresses the other uses of hashing. In summary. What is HIP? Is HIP the exchange we have now have and only that? Or is HIP a class of protocols built on a Host Identity, each bring a slightly different set of security claims and risks and a slightly different domain of use? I am willing leaving my comfort zone with BEX and am defining DEX: HIP Diet EXchange: A compress function that generates a HIT from an ECDSA Host Identity (160, 224, and possibly 256 bits large). CMAC for macing functions and key expansion. Public Key secret wrapping for key distribution. If anyone wants to help on the details, let me know. I need a new puzzle using CMAC. I need a compress function for HIT generation. The goal is a full draft before the IETF 78 cutoff date and hopefully a good start by the end of this month. Work will be done in HIPrg if it does not fit in HIPsec, but this will really be pushed towards the IEEE 802.15 community. Thank you for listening to my ramblings. If you have addtional thoughts, share them here or privately with me. _______________________________________________ hiprg mailing list -------------------------------------------------------- ZTE Information Security Notice: The information contained in this mail is solely property of the sender's organization. This mail communication is confidential. Recipients named above are obligated to maintain secrecy and are not permitted to disclose the contents of this communication to others. This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the originator of the message. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender. This message has been scanned for viruses and Spam by ZTE Anti-Spam system.
- [Hipsec] Putting HIP on a Diet Robert Moskowitz
- Re: [Hipsec] [hiprg] Putting HIP on a Diet gao.yang2
- Re: [Hipsec] [hiprg] Putting HIP on a Diet Henderson, Thomas R
- Re: [Hipsec] [hiprg] Putting HIP on a Diet Robert Moskowitz
- Re: [Hipsec] [hiprg] Putting HIP on a Diet Robert Moskowitz
- Re: [Hipsec] [hiprg] Putting HIP on a Diet Henderson, Thomas R
- Re: [Hipsec] [hiprg] Putting HIP on a Diet Noel Chiappa