[Hipsec] RFC5201-bis: Stephen Farrell's DISCUSS questions
Tom Henderson <tomh@tomh.org> Fri, 18 July 2014 06:57 UTC
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Subject: [Hipsec] RFC5201-bis: Stephen Farrell's DISCUSS questions
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I'm reposting several questions and comments from Stephen Farrell regarding RFC5201-bis, so that we can have some list discussion. See below (quoted verbatim from: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-hip-rfc5201-bis/ballot/) The main issues below for discussion seem to be: - what safeguards exist to reduce tracking of users? - questions about the choices of certain algorithms and modes and whether they are still current I'll open some more issues in the tracker if we don't get to consensus quickly. ---------------------------------------------------------------- This review is based on the diff from 5201 [1] [1] https://tools.ietf.org/rfcdiff?url1=rfc5201&url2=draft-ietf-hip-rfc5201-bis-14.txt Work started on this in 2009 it appears and the backwards incompatible changes made to the BEX are roughly what I'd expect to have seen for good work done around that time. However, some things have changed since, that I don't see reflected in the changes made to the BEX, so I'd like to chat about those for a bit, in case they're still malleable. If it is really the case that the boat has sailed for such changes, then that's life, but I wonder has it? (I really don't know for HIP.) I think the features in the changes to the BEX that one would consider noteworthy were that work done today are: (1) Mandating some form of variability of, and confidentiality for, the (non-routable?) HIT to enhance privacy or at least mitigate trival passive tracking of activity across time and different connections. (Or maybe the "anonymous HI" mechanism achieves this, I wasn't sure? If it does, then why have any other?) (2) There is no support for newer elliptic curves or representations like 25519. (3) Continuing to support the 1536 MODP DHE group but not supporting the 2048 equivalent seems a bit odd, as does not having a code point for the 4096 but group. Similarly, making the 1536 bit group the MTI (in 5.2.7) is odd as is the assertion that "web surfing" can use a lower security level. (4) (5.2.8) Did the WG discuss deprecating the NULL encryption option? (Haven't you finished testing yet:-) Also - there are no counter modes, is that wise? Finally, HIPv1's encryption codepoint 1 was for a 3DES option, but here you have 1 == NULL, yet you deprecate codepoint 3, which is confusing. Why is that? (5) Requiring HMAC-SHA-1 in 6.4.1 seems a bit odd. If HMAC-SHA-256 is supported, then why not just use that? Is there are real benefit in the sha1 variant? Comment (2014-06-26) - abstract: SIGMA-compliant is a bit of a mouthful for an abstract - how many readers do we really expect to get that? - 1.1: Saying the HI is the identity of the host seems a little overstated to me, but I guess that's accepted as a description for HIP, so not objecting, but it'd seem more natural to me to say that a HI is an identifier that a host can use. (Presumably load-balancing and mobility scenarios could mean that a private key could be on more than one host or one "host" might have >1 private key.) - section 3: 3110 doesn't seem like a great reference for RSA. Isn't there better?
- [Hipsec] RFC5201-bis: Stephen Farrell's DISCUSS q… Tom Henderson
- Re: [Hipsec] RFC5201-bis: Stephen Farrell's DISCU… Rene Hummen
- Re: [Hipsec] RFC5201-bis: Stephen Farrell's DISCU… Tom Henderson
- Re: [Hipsec] RFC5201-bis: Stephen Farrell's DISCU… Miika Komu
- Re: [Hipsec] RFC5201-bis: Stephen Farrell's DISCU… Stephen Farrell
- Re: [Hipsec] RFC5201-bis: Stephen Farrell's DISCU… Tobias.Heer
- Re: [Hipsec] RFC5201-bis: Stephen Farrell's DISCU… Tom Henderson
- Re: [Hipsec] RFC5201-bis: Stephen Farrell's DISCU… Stephen Farrell
- Re: [Hipsec] RFC5201-bis: Stephen Farrell's DISCU… Tom Henderson
- Re: [Hipsec] RFC5201-bis: Stephen Farrell's DISCU… Rene Hummen