[Hipsec] HIPL now hosted at launchpad.net

René Hummen <rene.hummen@cs.rwth-aachen.de> Wed, 16 June 2010 18:02 UTC

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[Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this e-mail.]

Hello everybody,

we would like to inform you that the HIPL project has just transitioned to the external code/project hosting platform launchpad.net. This step reflects the joint development efforts of the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT), Aalto University and the Distributed Systems Group located at RWTH Aachen. Another aspect to the transition is our belief that hosting the project at a more visible portal will result in higher contributions from the open source community.

The current development focus will be the stabilization of the HIPL feature-set and the functional hardening of the existing daemon programs. Our goal is to reach a stable HIP implementation with core features (e.g. BEX and other mandatory features in RFC5201) and to maintain extensions (e.g. mobility and multi-homing) as separate code modules, in order to provide a robust basis for further extensions.

What has changed technically?
(1) The project's source browser, bugtracker and FAQ will now be hosted at http://launchpad.net/hipl
(2) There is a new IRC channel for real-time discussion: #hipl at chat.freenode.net
(3) The source code can be retrieved (also as an unregistered user) by running: bzr co lp:hipl
(4) External code modifications can be registered in launchpad.net and proposed to be merge to HIPL.

What stays unchanged?
(1) Mailinglists (hipl-dev and hipl-users) will not be affected by this change.
(2) The project's webpage (http://infrahip.hiit.fi) including the manual will stay the same.

We hope this step will further increase the interest in HIPL and HIP itself by exposing both to a public portal.

René Hummen

Dipl.-Inform. Rene Hummen, Ph.D. Student
Distributed Systems Group
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
tel: +49 241 80 20772
web: http://ds.rwth-aachen.de/members/hummen