Re: [Hipsec] Simultaneous end-host mobility & High availability for RVS servers(mechanism of backup RVS)

Fabrice HOBAYA <> Sun, 30 May 2010 11:12 UTC

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Subject: Re: [Hipsec] Simultaneous end-host mobility & High availability for RVS servers(mechanism of backup RVS)
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Hi Zhangfeng,

   1) FYI, with some colleagues, we have worked on the end host
simultaneous mobility in HIP. Here is our paper on this work where we
propose a first solution we have implemented with OpenHIP and
performed several preliminary tests.*%26matchBoolean%3Dtrue%26searchField%3DSearch+All

   2) I have not worked on this topic but my colleagues have worked on
a home agent redundancy solution for MIP, may be some ideas could be
useful for the similar issue in HIP.*%26matchBoolean%3Dtrue%26searchField%3DSearch+All

We'd be happy to discuss about these issues with you. Feel free to
discuss/comment our works.

Best Regards,
Fabrice & al.

On 30 May 2010 11:06, HU Zhangfeng <> wrote:
> hi all,
> As you know, 1) the scenario of simultaneous end-host mobility maybe
> actually exist in real world, while it still has not been specified in HIP.
> 2) RVS servers in HIP functioning as HAs in MIP play very important roles
> for the management of mobile nodes. If a RVS server stops working, then all
> the mobile nodes managed by it should be lost in the network and cannot be
> re-managed any more before the mobile nodes re-register to a new RVS server.
> So a mechanism of backup RVS should be proposed to solve this problem.
> I'm considering doing some work on both or either of the two above-mentioned
> topics, and I'm wondering if some ones have completed some work or got some
> achievement on both of them. Thank you.
> 2010-05-30
> ________________________________
> Zhangfeng HU, phD candidate of
> Broadband Network Research Center,
> State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology,
> Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China
> Tel:86+13811892137
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> Hipsec mailing list

Fabrice HOBAYA -- PhD student
CNES / Thales Alenia Space / TéSA
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