[Hipsec] TCP port negotiation for HIP over HIP
Ari Keranen <ari.keranen@nomadiclab.com> Thu, 21 October 2010 15:59 UTC
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Hi all, In an off-line discussion we figured out that using a fixed TCP port number in the ESP TCP mode in the HIP-over-HIP draft would most likely require registering such a port with IANA (currently the draft uses 10500 noted as "reserved" by IANA due to same UDP port number being assigned for HIP NAT traversal), but since this port is never used outside of a HIP-initiated SA, it could be hard (and probably not make much sense) to register a port for that. Therefore, I would propose making the port number negotiable and piggyback it in the transport mode parameter negotiation. In practice the change would look something like this: http://users.piuha.net/akeranen/drafts/draft-ietf-hip-over-hip.rHEAD.xml-diff.html Opinions? Cheers, Ari
- [Hipsec] TCP port negotiation for HIP over HIP Ari Keranen
- Re: [Hipsec] TCP port negotiation for HIP over HIP Miika Komu
- Re: [Hipsec] TCP port negotiation for HIP over HIP Henderson, Thomas R
- Re: [Hipsec] TCP port negotiation for HIP over HIP Ari Keranen