Re: [Hipsec] HIT Suites and algorithms used in RFC5201-bis

Miika Komu <> Thu, 09 December 2010 13:29 UTC

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On 12/09/2010 12:26 PM, Tobias Heer wrote:
> Hello,
> we have consolidated the set of algorithms to be used in RFC5201 and would like
> to present it to the list and ask for feedback.
> We have three HIT Suites.  The HIT Suites define the algorithms that are used
> for generating a HIT/Orchid.  It also defines which HMAC flavor will be used in
> HIP control packets.
>       HIT Suite              ID
>       RESERVED                0
>       RSA,DSA/SHA-1           1    (REQUIRED)
>       ECDSA/SHA-384           2    (RECOMMENDED)
>       ECDSA_LOW/SHA-1         3    (RECOMMENDED)
> RSA,DSA/SHA-1 represent the class of HITs we have today with HIP version 1.  All
> contained Algorithms (RSA and DSA) must be supported by hosts that implement
> this suite.
> ECDSA/SHA-384 bundles two ECC curves (NIST P-256 and P-384) with SHA-384.  Both
> curves must be implemented by hosts that implement HIT this HIT suite.
> ECDSA_LOW/SHA-1 is meant for devices with limited computation capabilities.  It
> uses the SECP160R curve from SECG.
> If we want to make a bold move towards ECC cryptography (and make packet
> fragmentation, etc.  less likely) we could change the REQUIRED and RECOMMENDED
> tags so that we REQUIRE the ECDSA/SHA-384 HIT SUITE and make the other two
> recommended.  Any comments on this?
> The ECDH groups look similar:
>   Group                Value
>   Reserved             0
>   DEPRECATED           1
>   DEPRECATED           2
>   1536-bit MODP group  3 [RFC3526]
>   3072-bit MODP group  4 [RFC3526]
>   DEPRECATED           5
>   DEPRECATED           6
>   NIST P-256           7 [RFC4753]
>   NIST P-384           8 [RFC4753]
>   NIST P-521           9 [RFC4753]
>   SECP160R1           10 [SECG]
> Groups 7 to 10 are new in RFC5201-bis.  Again, group 10 is meant for devices
> with low computation capabilities and should be used only if long-term
> confidentiality is not required.
> The DEPRECATED values are groups present in RFC5201 but have been removed in
> RFC5201-bis.  They have to be removed before we finish the document.
> Are there any comments regarding the selection of algorithms?  With the selected
> ECC curves, we tried to stay as close to other Internet standards IKE, TLS that
> use ECC already.
> Best regards,

seems fine to me.