[Hipsec] Updating parameter type values for VIA and BONE drafts

Ari Keranen <ari.keranen@nomadiclab.com> Tue, 13 July 2010 14:21 UTC

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Hi all,

As discussed in the other thread, instead of adding new parameters to 
the 0-1023 range, we should rather use higher ranges for "non-essential" 
type of extensions. Currently the text in RFC5201 about the ranges says:

    Parameters numbered between 0-1023 are used in HIP
    handshake and update procedures and are covered by signatures.
    Parameters numbered between 1024-2047 are reserved.  Parameters
    numbered between 2048-4095 are used for parameters related to HIP
    transform types.  Parameters numbered between 4096 and (2^16 - 2^12)
    61439 are reserved.

The VIA and BONE extensions are not actually "handshake and update 
procedures", or "essential stuff", but we originally put the signed 
parameters OVERLAY_ID [1] and ROUTE_DST [2] there since the other 
possible ranges, according to the text above, were "reserved".

However, better approach would be to use a higher range for this kind of 
extensions. For example, 4096-16383. Latest version of HICCUPS [3] 
already uses that range and we were planning to move the OVERLAY_ID and 
ROUTE_DST parameters there too (values 4592 and 4600, respectively), 
unless someone objects.


[1] http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-hip-bone-07#section-6.1
[2] http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-hip-via-03#section-4.1
[3] http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-hip-hiccups-05#section-4.1