[Hipsec] rfc5201-bis-04 internationalized domain names

Samu Varjonen <samu.varjonen@hiit.fi> Mon, 14 March 2011 01:43 UTC

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Draft-ietf-hip-rfc5201-bis includes the following text in section 5.2.8.

"The format for the FQDN is defined in RFC 1035 [RFC1035] Section 3.1.
The format for the NAI is defined in [RFC4282]"

 From these references the RFC4282 supports internationalized usernames
and internationalization of the realm portion. RFC1035 defines the
domain names as sequences of ASCII only labels.

I propose the addition of the support for internationalized domain names 
for HOST_ID. This would mean the following modification to the 
draft-ietf-hip-rfc5201-bis section 5.2.8.

The format for the FQDN is defined in [RFC1035] Section 3.1.
Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) MAY be included in the Domain
Identifier (DI). Conforming implementations MUST convert IDNs to the
ASCII compatible Encoding (ACE) format as specified in Section 4 of
[RFC3490] before storage to the DI. When comparing the FQDNs for
equality, conforming implementations MUST perform a case-insensitive
exact match on the entire FQDN. Conforming implementations should
convert IDNs to Unicode before display by performing the conversion
operation specified in Section 4 of [RFC3490]. The non-conforming
implementations may identify IDNs by checking the inclusion of the IDN
ACE label additional characters "xn--" in any capitalization. All
implementations MUST allow for increased space requirements for IDNs in 
the DI.

The format and internationalization for NAI is defined in [RFC4282].

Comments and a sanity check would be appreciated.

Samu Varjonen