[Hipsec] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC7401 (4408)
RFC Errata System <rfc-editor@rfc-editor.org> Sat, 04 July 2015 02:48 UTC
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Subject: [Hipsec] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC7401 (4408)
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The following errata report has been submitted for RFC7401, "Host Identity Protocol Version 2 (HIPv2)". -------------------------------------- You may review the report below and at: http://www.rfc-editor.org/errata_search.php?rfc=7401&eid=4408 -------------------------------------- Type: Technical Reported by: Tom Henderson <tomhend@u.washington.edu> Section: 4.4.4 Original Text ------------- . +---------+ recv I2, send R2 | | +---->| I1-SENT |--------------------------------------+ | | | +---------+ +----------------------+ | | | | | recv R2, | recv I2, send R2 | | | | | v send I2 | v v v | | +---------+ | +---------+ | | +--->| I2-SENT |----------+ +--------------| R2-SENT |<---+ | | | +---------+ | +---------+ | | Corrected Text -------------- . +---------+ recv I2, send R2 | | +---->| I1-SENT |--------------------------------------+ | | | +---------+ +----------------------+ | | | | | recv R1, | recv I2, send R2 | | | | | v send I2 | v v v | | +---------+ | +---------+ | | +--->| I2-SENT |----------+ +--------------| R2-SENT |<---+ | | | +---------+ | +---------+ | | Notes ----- This state machine figure is informative. Normative (correct) specification for the I1-SENT to I2-SENT state transition (due to recv R1 event) is in Section 6.8. Instructions: ------------- This erratum is currently posted as "Reported". If necessary, please use "Reply All" to discuss whether it should be verified or rejected. When a decision is reached, the verifying party (IESG) can log in to change the status and edit the report, if necessary. -------------------------------------- RFC7401 (draft-ietf-hip-rfc5201-bis-20) -------------------------------------- Title : Host Identity Protocol Version 2 (HIPv2) Publication Date : April 2015 Author(s) : R. Moskowitz, Ed., T. Heer, P. Jokela, T. Henderson Category : PROPOSED STANDARD Source : Host Identity Protocol Area : Internet Stream : IETF Verifying Party : IESG
- [Hipsec] [Technical Errata Reported] RFC7401 (440… RFC Errata System
- [Hipsec] [Errata Verified] RFC7401 (4408) RFC Errata System