Re: [Hipsec] [hiprg] Putting HIP on a Diet (Noel Chiappa) Mon, 17 May 2010 17:33 UTC
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X-List-Received-Date: Mon, 17 May 2010 17:33:12 -0000
> From: Robert Moskowitz <> > What is HIP? Is HIP the exchange we have now have and only that? Or is > HIP a class of protocols built on a Host Identity, each bring a > slightly different set of security claims and risks and a slightly > different domain of use? Well, those are some key (and excellent) questions - and I would think you need to answer them all fairly fully, and fairly early in the design process. I don't have a problem with an architecture that includes optional extensions that provide richer functionality sets, but... I would be wary of a design that does so _at the expense of interoperability between different groups of nodes_. So I would say that you need to define a basic architecture, at a fairly high semantic level (e.g. 'HIP is an architecture that provides Host Identities based on cryptographic means blah blah blah'). (Sorry, I haven't read the HIP architecture document in a long time, so I don't recall if you all already have such a statement.) It should, in its highest-level form, be a paragraph or so long - longer than that, and it's either i) not high enough level, or ii) too complex. And if it doesn't cover all the versions of HIP without version-specific language, then again there's a problem. Having done that, I think you should try and define some namespace(s) (both in semantics and syntax) which are common across _all_ variants, because it is those namespace(s) which allow interoperation across the variants. (Although the full detailed semantics of all variants might not be totally understood by all participants: much as the full meanings of some human names are only understood by subsets of readers, those who are in the same linguistic pool - others may be able to parse them, and use them for _some_ functions, e.g. to uniquely identify the bearers, but will not extract the full semantic functionality. A good example of this sort of thing would be 'Cohen'.) Then you can define HIP-lite as the 'base' HIP, and the variants which provide different (presumably more complex/expensive) security properties (and thus applicability to different usage domains) would be extensions to that base. Communicating nodes that both implement a particular extension could opt to use that extension _if the application at hand needed the security properties that extension provides_, and they were willing to pay the overhead of using that extension. Sorry if this all sounds either i) obvious, or ii) hand-wavy - this is as best as I can put it. Noel
- [Hipsec] Putting HIP on a Diet Robert Moskowitz
- Re: [Hipsec] [hiprg] Putting HIP on a Diet gao.yang2
- Re: [Hipsec] [hiprg] Putting HIP on a Diet Henderson, Thomas R
- Re: [Hipsec] [hiprg] Putting HIP on a Diet Robert Moskowitz
- Re: [Hipsec] [hiprg] Putting HIP on a Diet Robert Moskowitz
- Re: [Hipsec] [hiprg] Putting HIP on a Diet Henderson, Thomas R
- Re: [Hipsec] [hiprg] Putting HIP on a Diet Noel Chiappa