[Hipsec] Document Action: 'Host Identity Protocol Certificates' to Experimental RFC (draft-ietf-hip-cert-12.txt)

The IESG <iesg-secretary@ietf.org> Mon, 21 March 2011 21:12 UTC

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The IESG has approved the following document:
- 'Host Identity Protocol Certificates'
  (draft-ietf-hip-cert-12.txt) as an Experimental RFC

This document is the product of the Host Identity Protocol Working Group.

The IESG contact persons are Ralph Droms and Jari Arkko.

A URL of this Internet Draft is:

Technical Summary

  The CERT parameter is a container for X.509.v3 certificates and
  Simple Public Key Infrastructure (SPKI) certificates.  It is used for
  carrying these certificates in Host Identity Protocol (HIP) control
  packets.  This document specifies the certificate parameter and the
  error signaling in case of a failed verification.  Additionally, this
  document specifies the representations of Host Identity Tags in
  X.509.v3 and SPKI certificates.

  The concrete use of certificates including how certificates are
  obtained, requested, and which actions are taken upon successful or
  failed verification are specific to the scenario in which the
  certificates are used.  Hence, the definition of these scenario-
  specific aspects are left to the documents that use the CERT

Working Group Summary

   The consensus behind this draft was solid.

Document Quality

   A few of the existing HIP implementations intend to include this


   Gonzalo Camarillo <Gonzalo.Camarillo@ericsson.com> is
   the document shepherd.  Ralph Droms <rdroms.ietf@gmail.com>
   is the responsible AD.