[Hipsec] Charter proposal
Gonzalo Camarillo <Gonzalo.Camarillo@ericsson.com> Mon, 15 February 2016 15:40 UTC
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To: HIP <hipsec@ietf.org>
From: Gonzalo Camarillo <Gonzalo.Camarillo@ericsson.com>
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Subject: [Hipsec] Charter proposal
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Hi, please, find below a proposal to revise our charter. Please, send your comments to this list. Cheers, Gonzalo HIP WG Charter The Host Identity Protocol (HIP) provides a method of separating the end-point identifier and locator roles of IP addresses. It introduces a new Host Identity (HI) name space, based on public keys, from which end-point identifiers are taken. The public keys are typically, but not necessarily, self generated. HIP uses existing IP addressing and forwarding for locators and packet delivery. The architecture and protocol details for these mechanisms were originally specified in a set of Experimental RFCs, which include the following: o HIP Architecture (RFC 4423) o Host Identity Protocol (RFC 5201) There are several publicly-known interoperating HIP implementations, some of which are open source. The Experimental RFCs originally produced by the HIP WG allowed the community to experiment with HIP technologies and learn from these experiments. The HIP WG then worked on producing standards track versions of the main HIP RFCs taking as a base the original Experimental RFCs. Some of the original Experimental RFCs have already been revised as standard track RFCs. The HIP WG will finish revising the original Experimental RFCs into standards track RFCs. In particular, the WG will revise the mobility, multihoming, NAT traversal, and architecture specifications. Additionally, the HIP WG will specify a standards track mechanism to perform a light-weight HIP exchange, which will be suitable to be used in constrained environments. After completing the work items above, the HIP WG will be closed.
- [Hipsec] Charter proposal Gonzalo Camarillo
- Re: [Hipsec] Charter proposal Tom Henderson