[Hipsec] Memory-bound puzzles in BEX
Tobias Heer <heer@cs.rwth-aachen.de> Thu, 27 May 2010 12:18 UTC
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Hi everyone, RFC5201 states that memory bound puzzles should be reconsidered for future versions of the document. The exact text is here: NOTE: The protocol developers explicitly considered whether a memory bound function should be used for the puzzle instead of a CPU-bound function. The decision was not to use memory-bound functions. At the time of the decision, the idea of memory-bound functions was relatively new and their IPR status were unknown. Once there is more experience about memory-bound functions and once their IPR status is better known, it may be reasonable to reconsider this decision. I am asking the list if the time for reconsideration has come. Should we delve deeper into non CPU-bound puzzles for RFC5201-bis or should we keep this note for future revisions. Is there anyone with a background on memory-bound puzzles interested in having them in RFC5201-bis? Best regards, Tobias -- Dipl.-Inform. Tobias Heer, Ph.D. Student Distributed Systems Group RWTH Aachen University, Germany tel: +49 241 80 207 76 web: http://ds.cs.rwth-aachen.de/members/heer blog: http://dtobi.wordpress.com/ card: http://card.ly/dtobi
- [Hipsec] Memory-bound puzzles in BEX Tobias Heer
- Re: [Hipsec] Memory-bound puzzles in BEX Miika Komu
- Re: [Hipsec] Memory-bound puzzles in BEX Robert Moskowitz
- Re: [Hipsec] Memory-bound puzzles in BEX Miika Komu
- Re: [Hipsec] Memory-bound puzzles in BEX Robert Moskowitz
- [Hipsec] [hipsec] Simultaneous end-host mobility … HU Zhangfeng