[Hipsec] review of tracker issues for RFC 5206-bis
"Henderson, Thomas R" <thomas.r.henderson@boeing.com> Fri, 11 March 2011 23:20 UTC
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From: "Henderson, Thomas R" <thomas.r.henderson@boeing.com>
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Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2011 15:21:23 -0800
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Cc: Christian Vogt <christian.vogt@ericsson.com>, Jari Arkko <jari.arkko@ericsson.com>
Subject: [Hipsec] review of tracker issues for RFC 5206-bis
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I would like to make an update of the RFC5206-bis draft by Monday's cutoff. I will not make any technical changes between now and then so that there is time for people to discuss any changes, but I would like to review the open issues in this mail with a proposal for how to handle each of them. I hope that, by the end of the Prague meeting, we could close most or all of the mobility-related issues. For reference, the tracker issues are logged here: http://trac.tools.ietf.org/wg/hip/trac/report/1 If you would like to start a thread on any of these proposals, can you please start one with a new subject line? I will discuss the issues related to mobility in particular; multihoming can be left for another time. Ticket2: inclusion of LOCATOR in R2 vs. R1 This is a proposal by Miika to shift the load balancing feature of the R1 LOCATOR to DNS-based schemes. I am neutral to slightly against this proposal on the grounds that we try to avoid DNS reliance in HIP in general, and I am not convinced it is a burden on implementations. I suggest no change, but feel free to convince me otherwise. Ticket 4: make before break use case missing Ticket 5: cross-family handovers missing from RFC5206-bis Ticket 6: specify peer-locator exposure policies and sending from unannounced locators Ticket 8: decouple locator announcement from SA creation I support adding text for these four cases and will try to come up with a specific proposal for review on the list before adding to the published draft. So, this would be added for the subsequent draft version (the next one past Monday's IETF-80 version). Ticket 10: LOCATOR/locator terminology in RFC 5206 I would like to suggest changing the name of this parameter to "LOCATOR-SET" but I will wait for comments on this suggestion before implementing it. This would also need to change in the RFC5770-bis. Tickete 11: review ESP_INFO/SPI issues in RFC5206 this is a request to clarify whether the mappings of SPI to interface or locator are one-one or one-many. draft-melen-hip-nat-mm-00 recommended to avoid assigning locators on different interfaces to a single SPI (this may be more an issue for the multihoming draft). Ticket 12: should UPDATE be sent via rendezvous server? This requires coordination with RFC5204-bis but I support adding text to document this. Ticket 13: SEQ/ACK handling with respect to UPDATE I do not really understand the concern so would like to request specific text change proposal. Ticket 14: can actual IP addresses of UPDATEs be used as locators, even if not in LOCATOR set? In principle, it seems like this should be permitted; I do not see a reason why an implementation should be precluded from trying a locator found on the inbound IP packet, perhaps as a last resort. I would suggest to add a statement along these lines. Ticket 15: suggestion for naming UPDATE packets I believe that the basic request here is to reduce the number of possible different UPDATE scenarios, document them better, and modularize the separate concepts. I will have a look at this in the subsequent revision. ---- So, in summary, I propose to do the following - publish draft-ietf-hip-rfc5206-bis-02.txt by Monday, with updated references - work on a suggested -03 draft for possible publishing during IETF 80 week or shortly thereafter, covering the above topics. Tom
- [Hipsec] review of tracker issues for RFC 5206-bis Henderson, Thomas R