[Hipsec] new mobility/multihoming drafts posted

"Henderson, Thomas R" <thomas.r.henderson@boeing.com> Mon, 18 October 2010 19:04 UTC

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Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2010 12:05:36 -0700
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I've posted two drafts today that implement the document split discussed at IETF 77 regarding RFC5206-bis.  The first draft removes the multihoming-specific content from RFC5206-bis:
and the second draft adds that content back into a new multihoming draft:

However, there are no normative specification changes yet to the above two documents, nor are there any attempts to improve them editorially.  We can now start to work on improving each of the documents and aligning with the other -bis documents.

I have started to use the WG tracker to track issues for mobility and multihoming revisions.  I've listed all of the issues that I have in my notes with respect to RFC5206(bis); if I am forgetting any, please remind me or update the tracker yourself.


- Tom