Re: [Hipsec] draft-keranen-hip-over-hip-00

Ari Keranen <> Fri, 12 February 2010 12:27 UTC

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Henderson, Thomas R wrote:
>>> 2) previously in RFC5201, we adopted the convention that
>> the roles of
>>> Initiator and Responder are abandoned once the base exchange 
>>> completes, so this would require implementations to keep that
>>> state around (might require some comment here or in 5201bis).
>> With the ESP mode you don't need this information, so I assume you
>> are referring to the ESP-TCP mode where the Initiator initiates 
>> also the TCP connection, right? Although even in this case the
>> information is needed only right after the BEX.
>> If you think it would be beneficial to not require keeping this 
>> information (even for such a short period of time), we could define
>> that the host with lower HIT value starts the TCP connection. 
>> Actually, if we want to support negotiation of the transport mode
>> after the BEX using UPDATEs, this would be a good idea.
> Yes, I was referring to ESP-TCP mode.  Your suggestion about the
> lower HIT value seems fine to me.

OK, great. This will be included in the next revision.

>>> 4) Have you thought about SCTP instead of TCP for this use case?
>> Not really, but I don't see much benefit of using SCTP instead of
>> TCP in this scenario (e.g., we have already framing thanks to HIP 
>> header, HOL blocking doesn't sound like a probable scenario, DoS
>> protection is provided by HIP). And since TCP is still much more
>> widely supported, using that for fragmentation handling seems like
>> a good idea. Or am I missing something?
>> That said, having SCTP as one extra mode would fit well into the 
>> specification.
> I was thinking initially that SEQPACKET might offer slightly better
> semantics than STREAM to this application, but having read the sctp
> API draft just now, I'm not sure that the work to deconflict the SCTP
> multihoming from HIP multihoming is worth it (i.e. you would have to
> provide some explicit guidelines on how to use the SCTP API, where
> TCP is pretty clear cut to developers).

OK. Then I think it makes sense to leave SCTP out of the draft, at least 
for the time being. Thanks for the analysis!
