[http-state] Question regarding RFC 6265 and ietf process
Fagner Martins <eu@fagnermartins.com> Tue, 01 September 2015 15:16 UTC
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Hi. Sorry to bother but I really have no idea who to ask about this and I hope I came to the correct mailing list. A few weeks ago I did implemented a JavaScript library to handle client-side cookies using the RFC 6265 as a baseline to percent-encode only the cookie characters that are not allowed in the RFC, see https://github.com/js-cookie/js-cookie/tree/f28a0fdfc0f780406a4f083c1ec410c77acf55ec#encoding . The thing is that recently we found out that some frameworks and server-side programming languages, for historical reasons, do not accept a character that the RFC allows. Here an example of the "+" octet: https://github.com/js-cookie/js-cookie/issues/70#issuecomment-126965203 Unfortunately those languages and frameworks cannot change the way they handle cookies because in most of them the default cookie mechanism is built-in very hard into the internals of the language/framework, and even if they could, it would take time for the implementation reach to the developers hand. I am not a veteran on the internet, so I am not aware of how the process works. But would it make sense to amend the RFC to account for characters allowed in the browsers but realistically disallowed by most frameworks due to historical reasons? It would be very useful to make the RFC a documentation to serve as a baseline for how the web *and the server-side languages *that are built on it actually work instead of restricting only to how browsers work in the wild. Does it makes sense? Thanks! ---------------------------------------------------- Fagner Martins Brack http://www.fagnerbrack.com/ https://github.com/FagnerMartinsBrack?tab=activity http://stackoverflow.com/users/1400037/fagner-brack http://br.linkedin.com/pub/fagner-martins-brack/69/48/719
- [http-state] Question regarding RFC 6265 and ietf… Fagner Martins
- Re: [http-state] Question regarding RFC 6265 and … Daniel Stenberg
- Re: [http-state] Question regarding RFC 6265 and … Fagner Martins