[Http-use] Revisiting the 'no more type://' constructs thing..
George Michaelson <ggm@algebras.org> Tue, 06 October 2015 17:34 UTC
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Subject: [Http-use] Revisiting the 'no more type://' constructs thing..
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I may have misunderstood it, but I am getting a sense from the .onion debate that there is a substantive push-back in the HTTP/Web community, to adding new type: instances in URI. The rest of this, is predicated on that being a "thing" -If I've misunderstood, then I guess the rest has less relevance. But I have this impression from a couple of f2f conversations with people who help push along web related work in IETF, and both times I got the distinct impression nobody much in web land wants more types in the set of ftp:// http:// mail:// form of type://value notation. Contrariwise, inside my narrow view of what a domain name is, I think coercing a value to a specific label in the DNS, to avoid having to say tor://somepath/ was a huge mistake for domain names. I think this very strongly. Very. Its just wrong. Maybe its me, but I think these aren't equally valid concerns. One, is (to my mind) a pragmatic view in the web community, that new type:// instances are 'hard'. The other, is an architectural failing, a decision which takes names as pure names, and converts them to have magic. Magic is bad. Is this on-topic for this list? Is this real? -G
- [Http-use] Revisiting the 'no more type://' const… George Michaelson