ext#9: OppSec and Proxies
Mark Nottingham <mnot@mnot.net> Tue, 29 July 2014 06:41 UTC
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<https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/issues/9> We discussed this issue in Toronto, and the sense of the room there was to close this issue with no action, since there are a lot of different scenarios for how a client uses a proxy, as well as different kinds of proxies which might cause clients to do different things. Any more discussion? Regards, -- Mark Nottingham https://www.mnot.net/
- ext#9: OppSec and Proxies Mark Nottingham
- RE: ext#9: OppSec and Proxies Richard Wheeldon (rwheeldo)
- Re: ext#9: OppSec and Proxies Patrick McManus
- ext#9: OppSec and Proxies Mark Nottingham
- Re: ext#9: OppSec and Proxies Amos Jeffries
- Re: ext#9: OppSec and Proxies Roland Zink
- RE: ext#9: OppSec and Proxies emile.stephan
- Re: ext#9: OppSec and Proxies Martin Thomson
- RE: ext#9: OppSec and Proxies William Chow
- Re: ext#9: OppSec and Proxies Mark Nottingham