Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring
"Poul-Henning Kamp" <> Fri, 15 August 2014 09:19 UTC
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-------- In message <>, Mark Nottingham wri tes: >that the WG position is clear going into IETF LC. > >The most relevant text in 188 is: > >> It is therefore timely to revisit the security and privacy properties >> of our standards. >It's safe to say that pervasive monitoring is very relevant to HTTP. Mark, I think your summary is good and balanced with respect to the discussions we have had, yet I think we can and should do better. To be honest I don't think that we have ever discussed the question *exactly* as precented in 188 -- as a question of herd immunity to *pervasive* monitoring. Our discussions have almost entirely focused on what protection the individual user would gain and how to communicate any "lesser" level of protection from opportunistic TLS etc. For herd-immunity, the protection of the individual member is not relevant and doesn't even have to be particularly good, the value lies in making things sufficiently more difficult, on average, across the entire population. If I look at '188 purely as herd immunity, my first instinctive design would be something like: Straw-man: ---------- http:/ can use TLS with *arbitrarily weak* crypto algorithms, and no authentication, and it is treated *exactly* like HTTP/1.1 plaintext by browsers. https:/ uses authenticated TLS with strong crypto, as today, and indicates this with the well-known changes in browser behaviour. The crucial two points here, which I don't recall us discussing previously, are that we maintain the safe/unsafe distinction towards the user and we allow weak crypto-suites -- not to protect the user, but to "whiten" the traffic for attackers. In other words, the TLS on the http:// connections will do nothing to protect the individual user, will cause nothing to give her any perception of any increased protection and presents no credible barrier to a targeted MITM, but it closes the door on PM by passive traffic scooping. Is that even our job ? ---------------------- Strictly speaking, none of those balls are in our court. One half part is about browsers uncritically and silenty accepting self-signed certs, the other is about selecting/designing intentionally weak(er) cipher-suites. Our drafts as they currently stand, are 100% capable of playing it's part between those two components. For that matter this is not even specific to HTTP/2 in any way, it could also be deployed for HTTP/1.1.) The entire value in this idea lies in the synergy of the two responsible parties doing things which in isolation looks counter-productive to them, but which has huge beneficial effects when taken together. Such "prioners dilemma" situations don't optimize themselves. Our reply to BCP188 may be the best, or even the only chance, of igniting a smart solution. But would it even work ? ------------------------ Obviously, there has to be cipher-suites good enough to frustrate passive PM + brute force, but cheap enough for high-traffic emergency services, news and porn. It is conceiveable that we have to allow even a NULL encryption as a fall-back/emergency option for otherwise unmanageable traffic-spikes. The idea will probably be hard to sell since most people have no clue what "herd immunity" is or how it works, so we will run into a lot of automatic and uninformed rejections of 'uselessly weak crypto' and 'privacy without authentication is useless' etc. etc. Basically the entire "self-signed cert" fiasco over again. Choice of vocabulary, for instance "whitening" rather than "privacy" may be crucial here. I'm not a card-carrying cryptographer, but it is my clear understanding that such a proposal would require adversaries to do actual MITM to gain access to content, rather than the current passive wire-tapping. Actual card-carrying cryptographers need to consulted on this. Yet, I don't think legally mandated MITM deployments (corporate recording/filtering, jails, schools etc.) will become prohibitively expensive to implement, which is a good thing. As to its efficiacy against the elephant in the room, Dan Geer made an important point in his Black Hat keynote some days ago (read it!): Ideas such like this are no use unless they raise the cost of PM to a point where the expense becomes politically relevant and preferably objectionable. If we only make PM 1% more expensive, all we have done is raise our own taxes for no good reason. We need to raise the cost several hundreds of percent, preferably several orders of magnitude. Yet, there is a balance to strive for. Making it too expensive would increase the risk that governments will regulate citizens use of encryption. Making it entirely impossible will almost guarantee such regulation also in self-styled "civilized societies which respect human rights." A crucial technical question seems to be if we have, or can come up with, cipher-suites which are cheap and fast enough for the white hats, but sufficiently expensive to be uneconomical to break for PM purposes, force surveillance to do actual, much more expensive MITM. The next big question will be agreeing on which of these intentionally weaker cipher-suites to mandate for interop purposes. This runs directly into "we cannot trust anything NSA (and their secret agents) tells us" and the best strategy is probably to appoint Bruce King of that question. The fact that this scheme doesn't play into the hands of the CA-racket will play both ways: a lot of people will like that, the CA-mob will hate to miss a growth opportunity. Summary: -------- Yes, I think it could work. And yes, I think this WG should go to forcefully to bat for it in our reply to BCP188 by pointing out that there's low-hanging fruit to be picked, one apple to the left, one pear to the right, but that this WGs arms are too short. -- Poul-Henning Kamp | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20 phk@FreeBSD.ORG | TCP/IP since RFC 956 FreeBSD committer | BSD since 4.3-tahoe Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.
- HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Mark Nottingham
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Amos Jeffries
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Greg Wilkins
- RE: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring K.Morgan
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Poul-Henning Kamp
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Mark Nottingham
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Mark Nottingham
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Eliot Lear
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Poul-Henning Kamp
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Martin Nilsson
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Poul-Henning Kamp
- RE: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Albert Lunde
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Cory Benfield
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Erik Nygren
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Poul-Henning Kamp
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Roland Zink
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Martin Thomson
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Brian Smith
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Poul-Henning Kamp
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Eliot Lear
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Greg Wilkins
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Greg Wilkins
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Poul-Henning Kamp
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Stephen Farrell
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Poul-Henning Kamp
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Roland Zink
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Stephen Farrell
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Amos Jeffries
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Eliot Lear
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Poul-Henning Kamp
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Poul-Henning Kamp
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Ilari Liusvaara
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Mark Nottingham
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Greg Wilkins
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Poul-Henning Kamp
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Martin Thomson
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Poul-Henning Kamp
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Martin Thomson
- Re: HTTP/2 and Pervasive Monitoring Poul-Henning Kamp