p1: Via and gateways
Mark Nottingham <mnot@mnot.net> Sat, 20 April 2013 04:08 UTC
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p1 Section 2.3 says: > However, an HTTP-to-HTTP gateway that wishes to interoperate with third-party HTTP servers must conform to HTTP user agent requirements on the gateway's inbound connection and must implement the Connection (Section 6.1) and Via (Section 5.7.1) header fields for both connections. This means that accelerators and CDNs MUST generate a Via header on the outbound connection. This isn't widely practiced, and I'm not sure it's necessary. Comments? -- Mark Nottingham http://www.mnot.net/
- Re: p1: Via and gateways Mark Nottingham
- p1: Via and gateways Mark Nottingham
- Re: p1: Via and gateways Willy Tarreau
- Re: p1: Via and gateways Mark Nottingham
- Re: p1: Via and gateways Roberto Peon
- Re: p1: Via and gateways Willy Tarreau
- Re: p1: Via and gateways David Morris
- Re: p1: Via and gateways Willy Tarreau
- Re: p1: Via and gateways Mark Nottingham
- Re: p1: Via and gateways Willy Tarreau
- Re: p1: Via and gateways Amos Jeffries
- Re: p1: Via and gateways David Morris
- Re: p1: Via and gateways Amos Jeffries
- Re: p1: Via and gateways Willy Tarreau
- Re: p1: Via and gateways Amos Jeffries
- Re: p1: Via and gateways Amos Jeffries
- Re: p1: Via and gateways Mark Nottingham
- Re: p1: Via and gateways Willy Tarreau
- Re: p1: Via and gateways Mark Nottingham