I-D on dealing with the 3xx XOR 401 problem
Nico Williams <nico@cryptonector.com> Sun, 29 March 2020 04:41 UTC
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I've just submitted draft-williams-http-accept-auth-and-redirect-00 [0] to deal with the problem of the mutual exclusivity of 3xx and 401. This problem arises when, for example, one mixes in some organization, both Negotiate [RFC4559] and redirect-based authentication flows. This problem is rather vexing: the server has to decide which to go with without knowing which the user-agent supports! The solution seems simple: let the user-agent tell the server what authentication schemes it supports. (Indeed, one common hack is to glean this from the user-agent string.) As well, let the server mix redirection and authentication requests. As well, while we're at it, why not codify redirect-based authentication. In particular, the PowerShell HTTP command-line client, Invoke-WebRequest [1] has an option to copy Authorization headers from redirect responses to redirected requests, which seems like just the ticket: | -PreserveAuthorizationOnRedirect | | Indicates the cmdlet should preserve the Authorization header, when | present, across redirections. | | By default, the cmdlet strips the Authorization header before | redirecting. Specifying this parameter disables this logic for cases | where the header needs to be sent to the redirection location. ISTR seeing a prohibition on copying headers from redirect responses to redirected requests, but I can't find this now. Digest [RFC2617] actually describes the Authorization-copying behavior in a paragraph that straddles pages 17 and 18, using the "domain" parameter of Digest to effect a redirection. This I-D then adds an Accept-Auth request header, and an HTTP authentication scheme named Redirect, and codifies other ways to mix redirection and authentication requests. This I-D seems trivial enough to go the ISE route, but perhaps some WG, such as HTTPbis, might be interested in taking a closer look, reviewing, possibly leading to request not to publish (if, e.g., there's already a solution I've missed or this is problematic for some reason), or to adopting the work. Cc'ed is secdispatch@ietf.org, in case they want to dispatch this I-D. Reply-To is set to HTTPbis. See also [2]. Feedback would be greatly appreciated. Stay safe! [0] https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-williams-http-accept-auth-and-redirect-00 https://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-williams-http-accept-auth-and-redirect-00.txt [1] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.utility/invoke-webrequest?view=powershell-7 [2] https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/art/T4nP5Rv91yuE0ew8p0vJh2fX1IM/ Nico --
- I-D on dealing with the 3xx XOR 401 problem Nico Williams
- Re: [Secdispatch] I-D on dealing with the 3xx XOR… Benjamin Kaduk
- Re: [Secdispatch] I-D on dealing with the 3xx XOR… Nico Williams
- Re: [Secdispatch] I-D on dealing with the 3xx XOR… Nico Williams
- Re: [Secdispatch] I-D on dealing with the 3xx XOR… Nico Williams