p1: Purely Editorial Feedback
Mark Nottingham <mnot@mnot.net> Sat, 20 April 2013 03:27 UTC
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This is strictly editorial feedback on the latest p1. * 2.2 "... requirements that an automated action be confirmed by the user before proceeding can be met via advance configuration choices..." s/can/might/ (don't imply that it's a closed set) * 2.2 Add text to indicate that the chain of intermediaries isn't necessarily fixed; i.e., that while it goes through "C" this time, the next request might go direct to origin, or through "D", or... * 2.3 'A "gateway"... is a receiving agent that acts a a layer above some other server(s) and translates the received requests to the underlying server's protocol.' "layer" "receiving agent" and "underlying" are awkward here. Suggest: """ A "gateway" (a.k.a., "reverse proxy") is a server that acts as an origin server, but translates received requests and forwards them to another server or servers, using any protocol (possibly HTTP). """ * 2.3 "MUST implement the Connection and Via header fields for both connections." --> "... header fields for both inbound and outbound connections." * 2.7.1 "Other protocols might also be used..." -> "Other transport protocols might also be used..." * 4.3 "For chained requests..." -> "For requests from an intermediary..." * 5.2 "If the client has a response cache and the request semantics can be satisfied by a cache ([Part6]), then the request is usually directed to the cache first." --> "If the client has a HTTP cache [Part6] and the request can be satisfied by it, then the request is usually directed there first." (simplify, simplify) * 5.7.2 "A transforming proxy MUST preserve the message payload..." "MUST NOT modify" would be clearer here. * 6. "HTTP only presumes a reliable transport with in-order delivery of requests and the corresponding responses." This isn't really well-stated; the important thing is that the data transport itself is in-order, because requests and responses themselves can be chunked into multiple messages. Suggest: "HTTP only presumes a reliable, bi-directional transport with in-order delivery." * 6. "Most severs are designed to maintain thousands of concurrent connections.." s/thousands/many/ * 6. "Most clients maintain multiple connections in parallel..." --> "Clients MAY maintain multiple connections in parallel..." * 6.7 uses unregistered upgrade tokens in the example; this should be noted. * 6.7 There should be a full example of an Upgrade header in a request and in a response. * 8.3 There should be an appropriate reference to RFC6585 here for 431 Request Header Fields Too Large. * A.2 Is there any particular ordering here? Perhaps they should be ordered by section? (same for other parts) Thanks, -- Mark Nottingham http://www.mnot.net/
- Re: p1: Purely Editorial Feedback Mark Nottingham
- p1: Purely Editorial Feedback Mark Nottingham