[hybi] WebSocket -76 is incompatible with HTTP reverse proxies
Willy Tarreau <w@1wt.eu> Tue, 06 July 2010 21:00 UTC
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Date: Tue, 06 Jul 2010 23:00:39 +0200
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Subject: [hybi] WebSocket -76 is incompatible with HTTP reverse proxies
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Hi, I was having a private discussion with Ian last week about a recent issue introduced in draft 76, but I realized it would be more useful and constructive to bring the issue to the list than to privately discuss possible fixes. Last week, it was reported to me that a site that was running fine on draft 75 could not get the draft 76 handshake to complete via a HAProxy load balancer, which runs as an HTTP reverse proxy. The connection would remain open between the client and haproxy, and between haproxy and the server, with the server never responding. The same client (Chromium 6.0.414.0) directly connected to the server worked fine. The guy was kind enough to send me some network captures which show an obvious problem : the 8-bytes nonce from the client is not advertised as a content-length, so it is not forwarded by the reverse proxy as it is either part of a next request or pending data for when the handshake completes. Unfortunately, the server wants those bytes to complete the handshake, so we have a dirty deadlock not even detectable by the end user. Ian proposed to upgrade the reverse proxy to detect the WebSocket handshake in the request (before it completes) and that it accepts to forward those 8 bytes. I can't agree with that because until the handshake completes, the proxy does not know whether the server will handle the request as a WS handshake or anything else, and it must absolutely not accept to blindly trust any random client who sets an Upgrade header that any server is free to ignore. Doing so would make the reverse-proxy vulnerable to HTTP request smuggling attacks [1] or even to any type of filtering bypass depending on the length of the data it lets go. Even with 8 bytes it is possible to send a "GET /xx\n" which is a valid HTTP/0.9 request and is accepted by some servers in a keep-alive connection (including Apache). Example : GET /index.html HTTP/1.1 Host: example.com Connection: Upgrade Sec-WebSocket-Key2: 12998 5 Y3 1 .P00 Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: sample Upgrade: WebSocket Sec-WebSocket-Key1: 4 @1 46546xW%0l 1 5 Origin: http://example.com GET /.. If the server does not handle WebSocket for this ressource, it will happily return the index and/or a 404 and proceed with next request contained in the 8 bytes it received. Conversely, having no Content-Length header in the request means that we don't know what a reverse proxy will do if it receives a valid one. For instance, we could very well imagine that some reverse proxies which will assume that Content-Length == 8 for any request containing "Upgrade: WebSocket" will have trouble when receiving a different Content-Length header. This could be used to pass larger amounts of data than what is allowed by the protocol to a second reverse-proxy, which, if it is able to parallelize pipelined requests, will forward the first one to the server and the second one (embedded in the apparent data) to another server. The first obvious solution that comes to mind is to comply with the HTTP protocol which will be implemented along the whole chain and to simply add a "Content-Length: 8" header in the request. This fixes the dirty hang, this fixes the fact that reverse proxies have to blindly trust the client, this fixes the case with the different content length, and it even makes it possible for WebSocket aware reverse proxies to refuse requests which don't have exactly "Content-Length: 8". But this raises a second point : shouldn't we switch to POST instead of GET then ? After all, GET + content-length is not well defined, httpbis p1 says : The presence of a message-body in a request is signaled by the inclusion of a Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding header field in the request's header fields. When a request message contains both a message-body of non-zero length and a method that does not define any semantics for that request message-body, then an origin server SHOULD either ignore the message-body or respond with an appropriate error message (e.g., 413). A proxy or gateway, when presented the same request, SHOULD either forward the request inbound with the message- body or ignore the message-body when determining a response. So that means that we're not certain again that the data will pass through all reverse proxies. That said, we could consider that WebSocket aware reverse proxies will let the data flow, but the problem of the hung connection remains if the reverse proxy eats the data before forwarding to the server. The POST solves all that. POST + content-length is normal and well supported everywhere. The POST also has the nice advantage that we're sure we won't get a reply from a cache (and the POST method is even one of the 3 defined methods which must invalidate caches). The POST also has a nice advantage for various client implementations that it is easier to implement than GET with some data. After some thinking, I'm wondering why we want to pass the nonce as data in the request instead of passing it as headers. After all, we're interested in data in the response to ensure we're able to let data flow and that the whole chain understands the Upgrade request. In fact, if any one intermediate ignores the 101 and takes it as a 100 (as is explicitly permitted by httpbis-p2), the response will be aborted because the pending data does not look like an HTTP response, and this is perfect, it's what we're looking for. But in the request ? I fail to see the added value of having it in the data. Probably that it would be easier to put it in a header and keep the GET. Anyway, we have to do something now because we've reached the point Ian tried to ensure we would avoid a long time ago : the deadlock which is undetectable by the client. And it already happens through a common reverse proxy since draft 76, and will do through load balancers, IDS and HTTP-aware firewalls for the same reasons, without any simple way to fix it without breaking HTTP security on those components. And it's not like if we could imagine those components will not be in use where WebSocket is deployed ! Best regards, Willy [1] http://www.owasp.org/index.php/HTTP_Request_Smuggling
- Re: [hybi] WebSocket -76 is incompatible with HTT… Willy Tarreau
- [hybi] WebSocket -76 is incompatible with HTTP re… Willy Tarreau
- Re: [hybi] WebSocket -76 is incompatible with HTT… Greg Wilkins
- Re: [hybi] WebSocket -76 is incompatible with HTT… Micheil Smith
- Re: [hybi] WebSocket -76 is incompatible with HTT… Willy Tarreau
- Re: [hybi] WebSocket -76 is incompatible with HTT… Roberto Peon
- Re: [hybi] WebSocket -76 is incompatible with HTT… Thomson, Martin
- Re: [hybi] WebSocket -76 is incompatible with HTT… Willy Tarreau
- Re: [hybi] WebSocket -76 is incompatible with HTT… Greg Wilkins
- Re: [hybi] WebSocket -76 is incompatible with HTT… Thomson, Martin
- Re: [hybi] WebSocket -76 is incompatible with HTT… Ian Hickson
- Re: [hybi] WebSocket -76 is incompatible with HTT… Willy Tarreau