[hybi] Proposed Charter (rev.3) (W3C WebApps-Whatwg)

Salvatore Loreto <salvatore.loreto@ericsson.com> Fri, 30 October 2009 08:36 UTC

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SM wrote:
> From the proposal:
> "In particular, the working group will liaison with the W3C
> WebApps working group around the WebSockets protocol and the
> requirements to support the WebSocket API; if agreed by both
> parties, the HyBi working group may take on prime responsibility
> on the specification of the WebSockets protocol."
> Are the two working group in agreement on who has prime 
> responsibility? I ask as there seems to be some misunderstanding about 
> how work get done within the IETF. BTW, prime responsibility doesn't 
> mean that the two working groups should not work together.
good point.
let me take this chance to ask people from W3C WebApps and Whatwg wgs
if they agree on IETF taking on prime responsibility on the 
specification of the WebSocket protocol,
continuing of course to work together on the draft;
and if they agree, if it clear for them how work get done within the IETF.

thanks for the collaboration