[I2nsf] FW: Merged I2NSF problem statement and Use Case - draft-hares
"Susan Hares" <shares@ndzh.com> Sun, 20 December 2015 01:17 UTC
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From: Susan Hares <shares@ndzh.com>
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Subject: [I2nsf] FW: Merged I2NSF problem statement and Use Case - draft-hares
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Sending this just to list. Sue From: Susan Hares [mailto:shares@ndzh.com] Sent: Saturday, December 19, 2015 8:11 PM To: 'i2nsf@ietf.org' Cc: 'antonio.pastorperales@telefonica.com'; 'ldunbar@huawei.com'; 'diego.r.lopez@telefonica.com'; 'myo.zarny@gs.com'; 'N.Leymann@telekom.de'; 'michaelq@prime-tel.com'; 'mohamed.boucadair@orange.com'; 'Christian.jacquenet@orange.com'; 'shaibalc@us-ignite.org'; 'adrian@olddog.co.uk'; 'Kathleen Moriarty' Subject: Merged I2NSF problem statement and Use Case - draft-hares I2NSF folks and my co-authors: I have merged all the changes you suggested into Linda's problem statement and combined this with the use cases. Please let me know if you have any concerns or changes to the resulting document. If anyone was left off the Contributors section, would you please let me know. This document is the combination of lots of people's hard work. I will upload it as draft-hares-merged-i2nsf-problem-use-cases-00.txt along with the XML on Sunday evening (12/20/2015) and then ask for WG adoption. I'll watch for comments in the next few weeks and revise the text. Does I2NSF have a github repository? If so, we can put the XML there to change it. Sue Hares
- [I2nsf] FW: Merged I2NSF problem statement and Us… Susan Hares
- [I2nsf] Merged I2NSF problem statement and Use Ca… Susan Hares
- Re: [I2nsf] FW: Merged I2NSF problem statement an… Zarny, Myo
- Re: [I2nsf] FW: Merged I2NSF problem statement an… Susan Hares