[i2rs] IPR for draft-ietf-ephemeral-state-16.txt
"Susan Hares" <shares@ndzh.com> Mon, 29 August 2016 12:42 UTC
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From: Susan Hares <shares@ndzh.com>
To: i2rs@ietf.org, 'Jeffrey Haas' <jhaas@pfrc.org>
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2016 08:40:48 -0400
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Subject: [i2rs] IPR for draft-ietf-ephemeral-state-16.txt
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This is to begin an IPR call for draft-ietf-ephemeral-state-16.txt. The authors should indicate on the list whether they know of any IPR related to this draft. Sue Hares and Russ White
- [i2rs] IPR for draft-ietf-ephemeral-state-16.txt Susan Hares
- Re: [i2rs] IPR for draft-ietf-ephemeral-state-16.… Susan Hares
- Re: [i2rs] IPR for draft-ietf-ephemeral-state-16.… Jeffrey Haas
- Re: [i2rs] IPR for draft-ietf-ephemeral-state-16.… Russ White