[icnrg] ccnx related drafts

Marc Mosko <marc@tear.com> Wed, 23 October 2024 01:15 UTC

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Subject: [icnrg] ccnx related drafts
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There are two CCNx related drafts in the works.  The first is an update on
FLIC and the second is a draft on a chunking (segmentation) protocol.

The FLIC update [1] has these changes:

   - Defined the PEN for a Vendor extension (same as the base CCNx IANA PEN)
   - Added text for the AEAD encryption (AES-GCM or CCM) to indicate that
   the preferred mechanism is for the publisher and consumer to exchange a
   4-byte salt out of band when then agree on the key and use that as per
   other RFCs on AES-CCM/GCM (5288 and 6655).
   - When using RSA-KEM, the WrappedKey includes both a 4-byte salt and the
   AES key.  I also added language that for a given manifest, once a
   WrappedKey is associated with a KeyId, it must remain the same.
   - Added HashSchema to the types of name constructors in the ABNF.
   HashSchema was already used in the text, but left out of the ABNF.
   - Fixed the description of StartSegmentId, which was missing text.

I am continuing to update the ccnpy [3] implementation as per the -06 draft
and ensuring it works with Cefore.  The main update is to include name
constructors.  The previous version only supported HashSchema, but Cefore
does not support nameless objects.

The Chunking [2] update defines a new name segment type (ChunkNumber) and
Content Object field EndChunkNumber.  It defines how to chunk a large
object into multiple content objects.  This is somewhat obviated by FLIC,
but one might still want unique names per manifest or user data, and the
chunking spec would handle that.  The chunking draft is still at the
individual contributor stage and we would like to get it adopted as an RG
document and move it towards finalization.

I will give updates on these two documents at the upcoming meeting.


[1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-irtf-icnrg-flic/
[2] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-mosko-icnrg-ccnxchunking/
[3] https://github.com/mmosko/ccnpy