Re: [icnrg] Last Call: draft-irtf-icnrg-ipoc

Luca Muscariello <> Mon, 23 March 2020 08:01 UTC

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From: Luca Muscariello <>
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2020 09:00:42 +0100
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I went through the draft and I have a few comments and some questions.

1 how does this system work when IP addresses at local interfaces change?
  My question is about both the underlying mechanics and also the
  of the system in such cases.
2 What are the implications of using signed Interests in this way? I mean
  100% of the Interests are signed in the tunneling scheme. My question is
  in terms of security and performance. And with performance I mean both
  mobility and local flow balance.
3 Is there any reality check and running code of this scheme?
  Every Internet draft comes with a security section but not a cost section
  however it is unclear in this specific case, what are the benefits of
  scheme and if one would need it compared to existing tunneling
  The alleged benefits of CCNx in terms of mobility are never spelled out
in the
  draft but it is unclear if any mobility benefit still holds using this
4 The cost of signing every packet is significant and would probably kill
  the performance of the tunnel. In the last section the authors seem to
  consider interest/data signatures as optional. Can this be clarified and
  out clearly? Is the intent to use the tunnel w/o signatures?


On Fri, Mar 20, 2020 at 2:51 PM David R. Oran <> wrote:

> Hello ICNRG,
> This is a last call for comments on draft-irtf-icnrg-IPOC (Internet
> Protocol Tunneling over Content Centric Mobile Networks).
> We want to publish this as an Experimental RFC. Please read it and let
> us know if you think there are issues. The last call ends on April 15,
> i.e., 3 weeks from today.
> Abstract
>     This document describes a protocol that enables tunneling of
> Internet
>     Protocol traffic over a Content Centric Network (CCNx) or a Named
>     Data Network (NDN).  The target use case for such a protocol is to
>     provide an IP mobility plane for mobile networks that might
> otherwise
>     use IP-over-IP tunneling, such as the GPRS Tunneling Protocol (GTP)
>     used by the Evolved Packet Core in LTE networks (LTE-EPC).  By
>     leveraging the elegant, built-in support for mobility provided by
>     CCNx or NDN, this protocol achieves performance on par with LTE-EPC,
>     equivalent efficiency, and substantially lower implementation and
>     protocol complexity [Shannigrahi].  Furthermore, the use of CCNx/NDN
>     for this purpose paves the way for the deployment of ICN native
>     applications on the mobile network.
> Best regards,
> ICNRG chairs
> DaveO
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