Re: [icnrg] Last Call: draft-irtf-icnrg-icnlowpan

Colin Perkins <> Tue, 11 February 2020 22:33 UTC

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From: Colin Perkins <>
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Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2020 22:33:01 +0000
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Thanks – this seems like a good approach.

> On 11 Feb 2020, at 12:07, Thomas C. Schmidt <> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 11/02/2020 11:54, Dirk Kutscher wrote:
>>> Drafts to be published as RFCs in the IRTF stream need to include
>>> various notices, as described in RFC 5743 Section 2.1. Some of those
>>> notices look to be missing from this draft and will need to be added
>>> before it can be published.
>> Yes, good point — that should be added.
>>> It’s also important for a draft to be published as an Experimental
>>> RFC to be clear about what experiment being performed. Section 10 of
>>> the draft includes a brief implementation report, describing
>>> experiments that have been conducted using this protocol, which is
>>> good, but the draft says very little about what experiments remain to
>>> be done and what can be learnt from further experimental deployment of
>>> this protocol. Would it be possible to add some additional context
>>> about how this fits with ongoing experiments in this space?
>> So, that may actually be a good general advice for publishing
>> Experimental RFCs in the IRTF. Normally, we would say that a
>> specification (like this one) would hopefully lead to additional
>> implementations, so that there would be interop tests and potentially
>> tests in larger networks (scalability, performance etc.).
>> In the IRTF, we might be able to do a little better and provide some
>> guidance as to what might be interesting experiments to do, what are
>> things that we need to understand better etc.
>> How do the authors feel about adding something in this direction?
> Authors feel fine: We agree and will add such parts.
>> Regarding next steps, we (chairs) suggest that the authors produce a
>> revision reflecting those comments. Since these are relatively minor, we
>> don’t need another last call (unless the authors prefer that), so that
>> we would then move to IRSG review.
> Yup, great: We should be able to provide within this month.
> Best,
> Thomas
>>>> On 22 Jan 2020, at 08:42, Dirk Kutscher <> wrote:
>>>> Hello ICNRG,
>>>> This is a last call for comments on draft-irtf-icnrg-icnlowpan (ICN
>>>> Adaptation to LowPAN Networks (ICN LoWPAN)).
>>>> We want to publish this as an Experimental RFC. Please read it and
>>>> let us know if you think there are issues. The last call ends on
>>>> February 7th, i.e., 2.5 weeks from today.
>>>> Abstract
>>>>   This document defines a convergence layer for CCNx and NDN over
>>>> IEEE
>>>>   802.15.4 LoWPAN networks.  A new frame format is specified to adapt
>>>>   CCNx and NDN packets to the small MTU size of IEEE 802.15.4.  For
>>>>   that, syntactic and semantic changes to the TLV-based header
>>>> formats
>>>>   are described.  To support compatibility with other LoWPAN
>>>>   technologies that may coexist on a wireless medium, the dispatching
>>>>   scheme provided by 6LoWPAN is extended to include new dispatch
>>>> types
>>>>   for CCNx and NDN.  Additionally, the link fragmentation component
>>>> of
>>>>   the 6LoWPAN dispatching framework is applied to ICN chunks.  In its
>>>>   second part, the document defines stateless and stateful
>>>> compression
>>>>   schemes to improve efficiency on constrained links.  Stateless
>>>>   compression reduces TLV expressions to static header fields for
>>>>   common use cases.  Stateful compression schemes elide state local
>>>> to
>>>>   the LoWPAN and replace names in data packets by short local
>>>>   identifiers.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Dirk on behalf of ICNRG chairs
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>>> -- 
>>> Colin Perkins
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> -- 
> Prof. Dr. Thomas C. Schmidt
> ° Hamburg University of Applied Sciences                  Berliner Tor 7 °
> ° Dept. Informatik, Internet Technologies Group   20099 Hamburg, Germany °
> °      Fon: +49-40-42875-8452 °

Colin Perkins