[icnrg] ACM ICN 2020: Call for Tutorials

Jungha Hong <jhong@etri.re.kr> Wed, 03 June 2020 07:29 UTC

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Call for Tutorials&nbsp;
Following the success of the tutorials presented in previous editions of
the ACM ICN conference, the organization committee of the 2020 edition
solicits proposals for half- or full-day tutorials. We seek to extend
the ACM ICN experience through tutorials on selected topics of critical
importance to the ICN research, given by renowned researchers, as well
as through collaboration between ICN researchers and experts in other
domains and application areas. Tutorials may consist of lectures,
interactive workshops, hands-on training, or any combination of the
above. We expect that tutorials are didactic in nature, but we are
seeking virtual tutorials and understand the limits of the medium.
Exploring the application of ICN to address modern application
challenges, diverse ways of interacting with the audience, and
cross-disciplinary topics are especially welcome.
Tutorial proposals should be submitted in PDF format, not exceeding
three (3) pages in total, and sent to the tutorial chairs Cedric
Westphal (cedric.westphal@futurewei.com) and Daniel Nunes Corujo
Proposals must include:
* Motivation for the tutorial (why this, why now, why at ICN 2020?).
* Reference to the knowledge that the audience should expect to gather
&nbsp; with the tutorial.
* An outline of the tutorial content, including its tentative schedule.
* The type of tutorial (e.g., lecture vs. hands-on); if hands on, how
to ensure a satisfactory experience for participants that are remote.
* References to previous iterations of the tutorial (if applicable)
&nbsp; including their date, venue, topics and number of participants, and
&nbsp; the motivation for this new proposal.
* Requirements for the tutorial on-line experience (what is needed
beyond is provided in a Zoom/Webex session).
* Requirements for the attendees, especially considering that they may
&nbsp; be at home with only access to basic laptops.
* Any other limitations (e.g., number of participants).
* Detailed biographies of the trainers (not part of the page limit).
Upon acceptance of a tutorial proposal, either the tutorial chair or
the tutorial speakers can request a cancellation of the tutorial if
there is clear evidence indicating low attendance of the tutorial by
the early registration deadline.
Please contact the tutorial chairs, if you have questions about your

Further details:&nbsp;http://conferences.sigcomm.org/acm-icn/2020/cf-tutorials.html http://conferences.sigcomm.org/acm-icn/2020/cf-tutorials.html
Important dates
* June 15th, 2020: Proposals Deadline
* June 22, 2020: Notification of Acceptance