[icnrg] Interim Meeting on Monday, 2020-04-20, 14:00 UTC

Dirk Kutscher <ietf@dkutscher.net> Thu, 16 April 2020 12:27 UTC

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From: Dirk Kutscher <ietf@dkutscher.net>
To: ICNRG <icnrg@irtf.org>
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2020 14:27:22 +0200
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Subject: [icnrg] Interim Meeting on Monday, 2020-04-20, 14:00 UTC
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Hello ICNRG,

we have uploaded the meeting agenda for our Monday meeting with remote 
participation instructions:


Please observe the remote participation instructions and let us know in 
case of any questions.

At this time, we would also like to ask for volunteers for taking notes 
-- thanks!

To all presenters, please send us your presentations before the meeting.

Talk to you on Monday,

Dave and Dirk (ICNRG Chairs)

ICNRG Online Meeting – 2020-04-20, 14:00 to 15:30 UTC

-   [Jabber](xmpp:icnrg@jabber.ietf.org?join):

|     |                               |                |        |
| 1   | Chairs’ Presentation          | Chairs         | 05 min |
| 2   | CCNInfo Update                | Hitoshi Asaeda | 10 min |
| 3   | NDN-DPDK Forwarder            | Junxiao Shi    | 30 min |
| 4   | ICN Lowpan Update             | Cenk Gündoğan  | 05 min |
| 5   | ICN Time TLV Update           | Cenk Gündoğan  | 05 min |
| 6   | Reflexive Interest Forwarding | Dave Oran      | 20 min |
| 7   | QoS Update                    | Anil Jangam    | 15 min |

Remote Participation Tips

To convert from UTC to your own timezone, please visit:

Please remember that all sessions are being recorded. Please also:

-   Ensure your video is off
-   Keep yourself muted unless you are speaking.
-   Use Webex chat only to join the mic queue
     -   “+q” adds you the the queue
     -   “-q” removes you from the queue
     -   Add your name and affiliation to the virtual bluesheet (the
         session Etherpad) via IETF Datatracker Meeting agenda
     -   Join the session Jabber room (see above)

For more information on remote participation, please view the
Participant’s Guide at