Re: [icnrg] New Version Notification for draft-irtf-icnrg-flic-05.txt

Dirk Kutscher <> Thu, 26 October 2023 07:00 UTC

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From: Dirk Kutscher <>
To: Marc Mosko <>
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Subject: Re: [icnrg] New Version Notification for draft-irtf-icnrg-flic-05.txt
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Thanks Marc!

We are going to discuss this in Prague – @all, please have a look at the changes.


On 23 Oct 2023, at 5:07, Marc Mosko wrote:

> I have uploaded the FLIC-05 draft.  The deltas are listed below.  We can discuss the changes indicated in the new section 3.9.3, which follows up on the observation at IETF 116 that using a GroupData StartSegmentId is better than using implicit IDs or annotated pointers everywhere.
>   *   Fixed the formatting of some figures and example code.
>   *   Added the SegmentIdAnnotation to the grammar.  It was described in the text, but was not in the grammar.
>   *   Added the new GroupData metadata of StartSegmentId.
>   *   Updated the CCNx and NDN Segmented Prefix text to indicate that either the annotation method or group data method are valid.
>   *   Added Section 3.9.3 as follows:
> 3.9.3. <file:///Users/mmosko/Projects/ccnxtlv/icn-flic-manifest/src/draft-irtf-icnrg-flic-05.html#section-3.9.3> Segmented Schema Details<file:///Users/mmosko/Projects/ccnxtlv/icn-flic-manifest/src/draft-irtf-icnrg-flic-05.html#name-segmented-schema-details>
> When using CCNx Segmented Prefix Strategy or NDN Segmented Prefix strategy, the consumer must determine the segment number to use in the name. There are two methods.
> ·         If fetching a pointer with a SegmentIdAnnotation, the consumer MUST use that segment number for the pointer. A pointer with SegmentIdAnnotation does not increment the SegmentId used by the GroupData case.
> ·         If the GroupData has a StartSegmentId parameter, then that segment number MUST be used for the first in-order pointer of the group. The consumer then increments the segment number for each in-order pointer of that group.
> Every group of a segmented NsId MUST have either a GroupData with a StartSegmentId, or use annotated pointers with SegmentIdAnnotation.
> A segment number MUST indicate exactly one data item. That is, the producer MUST NOT duplicate the segment number in an object name for different objects. The object hash MUST be the same for the same segment number of a name.
> It is allowed to have multiple manifest entries with the same segment number (see below).
> While a producer is allowed to mix using GroupData StartSegmentId and SegmentIdAnnotation, we in general do not consider that a good idea. It is up to the manifest producer to ensure that every segment may be fetched. Segments, when fetched in the manifest order reconstruct the data object.
> Let us make this clear, the original data is constructed by the in-order manifest retrieval, not the segment number order. We recommend that the manifest in-order sequence SHOULD correspond to the segment number sequence.
> A consumer is not required to fetch every segment. A consumer may fetch segments in any order it chooses. It may skip around or omit segments.
> It is allowed to have multiple pointers to the same segment number. This can be used for data de-duplication, e.g. multiple occurances of the same binary string within the reconstructed data object. If the producer uses this method, then the data object cannot be reconstructed by simply fetching the sequence numbers in order.
> Marc
> From: <>
> Date: Sunday, October 22, 2023 at 1:58 PM
> To: Christopher A. Wood <>, Christian Tschudin <>, Christopher Wood <>, David Oran <>, Marc Mosko <>
> Subject: New Version Notification for draft-irtf-icnrg-flic-05.txt
> CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
> A new version of Internet-Draft draft-irtf-icnrg-flic-05.txt has been
> successfully submitted by Marc Mosko and posted to the
> IETF repository.
> Name:     draft-irtf-icnrg-flic
> Revision: 05
> Title:    File-Like ICN Collections (FLIC)
> Date:     2023-10-22
> Group:    icnrg
> Pages:    41
> URL:
> Status:
> HTMLized:
> Diff:
> Abstract:
>    This document describes a simple "index table" data structure and its
>    associated Information Centric Networking (ICN) data objects for
>    organizing a set of primitive ICN data objects into a large, File-
>    Like ICN Collection (FLIC).  At the core of this collection is a
>    _manifest_ which acts as the collection's root node.  The manifest
>    contains an index table with pointers, each pointer being a hash
>    value pointing to either a final data block or another index table
>    node.
> The IETF Secretariat

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