[icnrg] Draft Minutes of ICNRG @ IETF113
"David R. Oran" <daveoran@orandom.net> Fri, 25 March 2022 13:45 UTC
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Please send comments/corrections to the list: ICNRG Meeting Notes - IETF 113 (Hybrid) Vienna 2022-03-25, 11:30 to 13:30 UTC - MeetEcho: https://meetings.conf.meetecho.com/ietf113/?group=icnrg&short=&item=1 - CodiMD: https://notes.ietf.org/notes-ietf-113-icnrg - IETF-113 Agenda Thanks to Matthias Wählish for being in the room! Chairs’ Presentation: Status, Updates Good progress on documents recently and more in the pipe. Important: IPR issues in documents. Comment - Colin Perkins: An IRP declaration on an individual draft and not on the RG draft needs to be clarified. Comment - Dirk Trossen: Draft issued at the previous company and needs to be cleared with them. Comment - Colin Perkins: The company already has made a declaration it just needs to be clarified. Q - Colin Perkins: NRS consideration it’s the RFC? A - Dirk Kutscher: Yes. NDN for Data Intensive Science Experiments (N-DISE) - Edmund Yeh Has been going on for a year. Q - Ken Calvert: All these are all running over Internet 2? Is there layer 2 stiching? A- Edmund Yeh: Yes they are running over Internet 2 and ISnet. And in layer 2. The architecture shows VLANs that are provisioned (may take months). Q - Ken Calvert: These are dedicated hosts at each site? A - Edmund Yeh: The hosts at participants are dedicated but at Starlight it shared but the loads are low. Q - Dave Oran: Is this caching only or there is CPU involved? A - Edmund Yeh: This is DRAM caching. Q - Dirk Kutscher: A lot of work has been done to set up the network and accelerate the data transfers. What will you do with the data? A - Edmund Yeh: The proposal had a section on joint data movement and scheduling then budget was cut and the data processesing/work flow was also cut. But it’s the ultimate goal. Q- Thomas Schmidt: It is surprising that the priority of requests is Zipf like a Netflix rating. A - Edmund Yeh: An analysis of resquests in high energy physics was done. The “hot sets” are very much following Zipf - like the most requested in Netflix. Q - Ken Calvert: We are doing similar work from Sandy - in the 3 hop scenario did you develop a bespoke or are you using a generic algorithm to break up the chunks? A - Edmund Yeh: Chunking is inherent in the application (ask student). Will have a discussion off line. A - Yuanhao Wu: Chunking is provided from the DBDK NSIST group. Q- Oran: 1. At 21 Gbps do you use signture validation? You are not using the security of NDN? A - Edmund Yeh: No we don’t. The provenanve will be part in the future. High energy physics has access securiy but packets will be signed in the future Q- Dave Oran: 2. 4X improvement for FPGA is not very good - what is the bottleneck? I am interested in the work. A - Edmund Yeh: Those are Preliminary results and the work is continuing in Jason (?)‘s’ group. Comment - Dave Oran: Not explointing the parallerlism is a mistake (like in network coding) because the clock itself is low - will send email to continue the discussion. Comment - Edmund Yeh: The Work has focused on the caching but in the next months, the work on the FPGA will continue. Alternative Delta Time Encoding for CCNx Update - Cenk Gündoğan Comment - Dirk Kutscher: This is the right type of document for a RG the work itself and the protocol extensibility. It should be accepted as a RG document. Comment needed from the group/on the list. Ping & Traceroute Update - Spyridon Mastorakis Comment - Dave Oran: The other co-chair will have to lead the reveiw since I am co-author. Also, comment to Colin Perkins: the same person should review both document since they go together (Colin says: makes sense). Path Steering Refresher - Dave Oran Q - Ken Calvert: I am have not read the draft. Picture of the encoding? The idea that the next hop is in charge? A - Dave Oran: Yes it’s just a FIB entry Q - Ken Calvert: Is this at the AS level or node level? A - Dave Oran: The intent is for diagnostic at every hop would be identified - and please read the draft! Comment - Dirk Kutscher: This is a powerful tool that has the consumers influence how they use the network. Comment - Dave Oran: Less messy than IP as it uses the symmetric routing of ICN. Reflexive Forwarding Re-Design - Dirk Kutscher Q - Thomas Schmidt: Every consumer can send a reflexive demand at a producer. Isnt’s this like DOS? A - Dirk Kutscher: That’s something we will avoid. Will talk about it later. Q - Thomas Schmidt: Have the produder has seen interest 1? A - Dirk Kutscher: Yes Comment Dave Oran: We dont use FB on the reflexive back we use the PIT. Comment Dirk Kutscher: Uses the symmetric forwarding properties. Q - Ken Calvert: You are using the PIT to forward interest? What is the difference with RICE? A - Dirk Kutscher: Before we use this we need to install routing functionalities in the forwarders. Q - Ken Calvert: There is a diffent behavior for the interests that have the token? A - Dirk Kutscher: It’s a standard interest with RPT field but with a different name. … I missed a comment/question … Wrap-Up, Next Steps - Chairs Comment: Ken Calvert: Going through FLIC - will update. Have a great weekend! Marie-José Montpetit, Ph.D. marie@mjmontpetit.com
- [icnrg] Draft Minutes of ICNRG @ IETF113 David R. Oran