[icnrg] Status from Chairs and actions for the ICNRG participants: Resend with some updates

"David R. Oran" <daveoran@orandom.net> Mon, 27 January 2020 15:11 UTC

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First, Happy New Year to everybody! We hope you had a good holiday 
season and are recharged to help ICNRG move our work forward in 2020. 
This message serves to give current RG status, request reviews and other 
actions from you folks, and remind people of our plans for the Vancouver 
IETF in March. Specific actions we would like from you are in **bold**. 
As you can see, we’ve got a lot of interesting work ahead of us!

Two notes on this resend:
1. The original message said the Vancouver Interim was scheduled for 
Saturday. It is actually on *Sunday*.

2. Please check the Wiki for agenda planning. In particular, we are 
looking for talks on the topic areas we plan to concentrate on at the 
Sunday Interim.

###First, some status updates:###

- “Deployment Considerations for Information-Centric Networking 
is now in the RFC Editor queue for final processing and publication as 
an Informational RFC.

- Both “Research Directions for Using ICN in Disaster Scenarios” 
(https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-irtf-icnrg-disaster/) and 
“Information-Centric Networking (ICN): CCNx and NDN Terminology” 
(https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-irtf-icnrg-terminology/) have 
successfully passed IESG Conflict Review and will be soon going to the 
RFC editor for publication. The former needs a few editorial updates; 
the latter has been updated and is in the hands of the IRTF chair to 
move into final editing.

- “Native Deployment of ICN in LTE, 4G Mobile Networks” 
(https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-irtf-icnrg-icn-lte-4g/) has 
passed RG last call, last call comments have been addressed in the 
latest version, and it is now in the IRTF chair’s hands to initiate 
the IRSG Review.

- “Architectural Considerations of ICN using Name Resolution 
has passed RG last call and we will be submitting it for IRSG Review in 
the coming days.

- “Design Guidelines for Name Resolution Service in ICN” 
has some last call comments that need further consideration and hence we 
will be issuing a second Last Call on this document in the coming days.

- “ICN Adaptation to LowPAN Networks (ICN LoWPAN)” 
(https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-irtf-icnrg-icnlowpan/) has 
gotten wide support and we will be issuing an RG Last Call for it in the 
coming days. Please look for the last call announcement and 
**re-review** this important document.

###Second, please take time to review the these active RG documents##
We hope to move them forward toward last call if appropriate, in time to 
discuss in Vancouver.

- We recently adopted “Enabling ICN in 3GPP's 5G NextGen Core 
(https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-irtf-icnrg-5gc-icn/) as an ICNRG 
working draft. **Please review** so we can discuss moving this forward.

- “File-Like ICN Collections (FLIC)” 
(https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-irtf-icnrg-flic/) got a major 
update just prior to the Singapore meeting and urgently needs more 
review. The authors plan to have an updated draft prior to Vancouver, 
but **please review the current version** so we can make progress as 
rapidly as possible. The hope is to be able to issue a last call soon 
after our Vancouver meeting.

###Third, please take time to review the these active individual 
contributions and weigh in on whether they should be adopted as ICNRG 
working drafts.##
We hope decide about these in time to discuss in Vancouver.

- “Internet Services over ICN in 5G LAN Environments” 
**needs review**.

- “Considerations in the development of a QoS Architecture for 
CCNx-like ICN protocols” 
(https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-oran-icnrg-qosarch/) **needs 
review**. Also look for a message from Börje or Dirk about the 
chairs’ proposed next steps for this document.

- “Path Steering in CCNx and NDN” 
**needs review and assessment of suitability to adopt as an ICNRG 
working draft**.

- “Maintaining CCNx or NDN flow balance with highly variable data 
object sizes” 
(https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-oran-icnrg-flowbalance/) **needs 
review and assessment of suitability to adopt as an ICNRG working 

- “Flow Classification in Information Centric Networking” 
**needs review and assessment of suitability to adopt as an ICNRG 
working draft**.

- “QoS Treatments in ICN using Disaggregated Name Components” 
**needs review and assessment of suitability to adopt as an ICNRG 
working draft**.

- “ICN Traceroute Protocol Specification” 
and “ICN Ping Protocol Specification” 
(https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-mastorakis-icnrg-icnping/) has 
had review, but we **need advice about adoption as RG documents**

- “Hop-by-Hop Authentication in Content-Centric Networking/Named Data 
Networking” (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-li-icnrg-hopauth/) 
**needs review and assessment of suitability to adopt as an ICNRG 
working draft**.

- “An Alternative Delta Time encoding for CCNx using Interval Time 
from RFC5497” 
**needs review and assessment of suitability to adopt as an ICNRG 
working draft**.

- “Requirements and Challenges for User-level Service Managements of 
IoT Network by utilizing Artificial Intelligence” 
(https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-choi-icnrg-aiot/) **needs 
initial review**.

###Fourth, we have started planning logistics and agendas for our 
meetings at IETF 107 in Vancouver, March 21-27.###

We plan to have both a regular meeting during the week and an all-day 
Interim meeting on Sunday. We hope to devote the Interim to a few “hot 
topics”, and have proposed that these be:
	— Quality of Service
	— Measurement and Instrumentation
	— Enhancements to base CCNx protocols (Manifests, Path Steering, Flow 
Balance enhancements, reflexive forwarding extensions).

So, please **propose agenda items**, consider **giving a talk** on one 
of the discussion topic areas identified for the interim meeting, and 
**register for the interim as customary** (by editing the Wiki page at 

Thanks for not treating this as TL;DR and actually getting to the end!!

Your ever-vigilant Chairs, Börje, Dirk and DaveO.