[icnrg] Fourth International Workshop on Quality of Experience Management (QoE-Management 2020) collocated with NetSoft 2020 in Ghent, Belgium
Christian Timmerer (ITEC) <christian.timmerer@itec.uni-klu.ac.at> Wed, 29 January 2020 13:19 UTC
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Fourth International Workshop on Quality of Experience Management (QoE-Management) https://sites.google.com/a/intec.ugent.be/qoe-management/home <ttps://sites.google.com/a/intec.ugent.be/qoe-management/home> 28th and 29th of June 2020 conjunction with the IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization 2020 (NetSoft 2020) Gent, Belgium Recent technological advances have enabled a constant proliferation of novel immersive and interactive services that pose ever-increasing demands to our communication ecosystem. While service and application management has typically been centered around a set of Quality of Service parameters (e.g., packet loss, delay, jitter), there is a clear need to understand and model the impact of management decisions on Quality of Experience (QoE) metrics as perceived by the end-user. To date, a significant amount of research has been devoted to understanding, measuring, and modeling QoE for a variety of media services. The next step is to explore methods that actively exploit such knowledge to improve and manage the quality of multimedia services, while at the same time ensuring efficient and cost-effective network operations. Moreover, with many different players involved in the end-to-end service delivery chain, identifying the root causes of QoE impairments and finding effective solutions for meeting the end-users' requirements and expectations in terms of service quality is a challenging and complex problem. QoE-Management 2020 aims at providing an international forum for researchers addressing emerging concepts and challenges related to managing QoE for networked services. The workshop addresses QoE management in the context of ongoing developments, such as the move to 5G and virtualized networks; the exploitation of big data analytics and machine learning in the domains of QoE modeling and monitoring; and solutions targeting emerging complex, interactive, and immersive service scenarios. In order to encourage collaboration, the workshop is distributed in two days: seminar and workshop paper presentations. 28/06/2020: Seminar. Researchers with expertise in different areas of QoE research will sit together to brainstorm on different topics. 29/06/2020: Workshop papers presentation. Original full and short paper presentations and a motivating keynote will thoroughly explore this challenging topic. Topics of interest: SDN, NFV, and QoE; QoE-aware network and application management; Characterization and modeling of QoE; QoE monitoring and measurement, QoE oriented coding; Quality management applied to different business sectors and use cases; Experimental approaches for QoE management. In addition, we encourage the submission of novel, provocative ideas or late-breaking results that have the potential to generate lively debate and new perspectives as short papers or Seminar topics. Important dates: Paper submission deadline: February 15, 2020 Acceptance notification: March 23, 2020 Camera-ready papers: April 6, 2020 For the Seminar topics: Topic submission deadline: May 15, 2020 Acceptance notification: June 1, 2020 Authors should submit their papers and seminar topics electronically via the EDAS online submission system <https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=27011>. For more information, you can visit the QoE-Management workshop website <https://sites.google.com/a/intec.ugent.be/qoe-management/home> and the NetSoft conference website <https://netsoft2020.ieee-netsoft.org/>. --- Priv.-Doz. DI Dr. Christian Timmerer Assoc.-Prof | Multimedia Communication, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt | blog.timmerer.com | dash.itec.aau.at Head of Christian Doppler Laboratory ATHENA | athena.itec.aau.at CIO | Head of Research and Standardization, Bitmovin Inc. | www.bitmovin.com Geschäftsführer Förderverein Technische Fakultät | ftf.or.at
- [icnrg] Fourth International Workshop on Quality … Christian Timmerer (ITEC)