[icnrg] IEEE BigMM 2020, New Delhi, India: Call for Workshop Proposals (Deadline: 29 February)
MIDAS Lab IIIT Delhi <midas@iiitd.ac.in> Thu, 20 February 2020 08:10 UTC
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Subject: [icnrg] IEEE BigMM 2020, New Delhi, India: Call for Workshop Proposals (Deadline: 29 February)
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Dear Colleagues ********************************************************** Submission Deadline: 29 February 2020 PST ********************************************************** Consider submitting your workshop proposals to the IEEE BigMM 2020. Kindly share the CfWP with others who may wish to submit workshop proposals to IEEE BigMM 2020, which will be held at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, in collaboration with Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi (IIIT-Delhi). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of the CfWP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Further information: Webpage: http://bigmm2020.org/index.php/calls-for-submission/workshop-proposals The IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Big Data (BigMM), jointly sponsored by the IEEE-TCMC (Technical Committee on Multimedia Computing) and IEEE-TCSEM (Technical Committee on Semantic Computing), is the world's premier forum of leading scholars in the highly active multimedia big data research, development and applications. The sixth BigMM conference is jointly hosted by the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi (IIIT-Delhi), will be held in JNU, New Delhi from September 24 to 26 in 2020. Workshops should cover at least a single session (4~6 regular papers). The organizer(s) of approved workshops are responsible for advertising their workshop, distributing the call for papers, gathering submissions, and conducting the paper review process. Please note that the page limit is 8 pages (excluding a maximum of 2 pages for references) in IEEE double-column format for workshop papers. Workshop proposals should be submitted via email to the workshop co-chairs: Mayurakshi Chaudhuri <mchaudhuri@iitj.ac.in> Naimul Khan <n77khan@ryerson.ca> A workshop proposal should include the following information in a single PDF file: - Workshop title - A draft "Call for Papers" articulating the scope and topics covered by the workshop including goals, relevance to Big MM - Members of the organizing committee with their contact information, and if available, tentative program committee - Proposed workshop duration (1/2 or full day) - If this is a recurring workshop, the organizers need to briefly describe the past attendance and outcomes. - A one-paragraph biographical sketch for each organizing committee member, describing relevant qualifications, including research and conference/workshop organizing experience Proposals will be evaluated based on the significance of the topic, impact and qualifications of organizers as well as the quality of the proposed list of potential papers. Deadlines: Proposals for workshop proposals due: February 29, 2020 Acceptance notification: March 15, 2020 You may check more details at http://bigmm2020.org, https://twitter.com/ieeebigmm, and https://www.facebook.com/ieeebigmm. -- Best regards MIDAS - Multimodal Digital Media Analysis Lab *"Where Research for Society is a Pleasure." * A-415, Level 4, New Academic Building, IIIT-Delhi, Okhla Industrial Estate Phase 3, Near Govindpuri Metro Station, Delhi - 110020. Phone: +91-11-26907495 Website: http://midas.iiitd.edu.in Twitter: https://twitter.com/midasiiitd LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/midasiiitd <https://www.linkedin.com/company/midasiiitd> Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/midasiiitd
- [icnrg] IEEE BigMM 2020, New Delhi, India: Call f… MIDAS Lab IIIT Delhi