[icnrg] FLIC and error reporting
Cenk Gündoğan <mail+ietf@gundogan.net> Tue, 04 August 2020 06:59 UTC
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From: Cenk Gündoğan <mail+ietf@gundogan.net>
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Subject: [icnrg] FLIC and error reporting
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Hello, following yesterday's discussions and rereading the notes [1] and the -02 draft version, I noticed that there are no references to error reporting. Certain operations (like traversing or seeking the tree) may yield errors (pointer out-of-range [2] -EINVAL, denied access based on an ACL -EPERM, locked data structure, e.g., during re-publishing or deduplication -EAGAIN, ...). How does an error that concerns operations on a manifest tree propagate back to the source? One way would be to leverage the existing mechanism, which is 1) for CCNx: InterestReturn (with an 8-bit return code), 2) for NDN: AFAIK NDNLP provides the Interest NACK feature [3] Another way would be to come up with an orthogonal error reporting feature for manifests only, e.g., by using another PayloadType. The advantage would be a more fine-grained control over error codes and corrective actions. The disadvantage .. well, it can get more complex. FWIW, error handling (in either way) and how it is mapped to CCNx/NDN could probably be mentioned in the FLIC base draft. Just my 2 cents .. On a separate note, I wanted to thank the chairs and the FLIC experts for yesterday's interim. I liked the format of having a focused and technical discussion round. Cheers, Cenk [1] https://codimd.ietf.org/icnrg-interim-2020-08-03 [2] https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-irtf-icnrg-flic-02#section-4.2 [3] https://redmine.named-data.net/projects/nfd/wiki/NDNLPv2#Network-NACK -- Cenk Gündoğan Hamburg University of Applied Sciences Dept. of Computer Science / Internet Technologies Group Berliner Tor 7, 20099 Hamburg, Germany Fon: +49 40 42875 - 8426 Mail: cenk.guendogan@haw-hamburg.de Web: https://www.inet.haw-hamburg.de/
- [icnrg] FLIC and error reporting Cenk Gündoğan
- Re: [icnrg] FLIC and error reporting Marc Mosko