[icnrg] [CFP] VENITS 2020 workshop (in conjunction with ICCCN 2020)
chaker abdelaziz kerrache <ch.kerrache@lagh-univ.dz> Sun, 19 January 2020 10:40 UTC
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[Apologies if you receive multiple copies] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS 5th International Workshop on Vehicular Networking and Intelligent Transportation systems (VENITS'18), co-located with the International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2020) August 6, 2020 -- Honolulu, Hawaii, USA http://www.grc.upv.es/VENITS/2020/ Conference proceedings will be submitted to IEEE Xplore Extended versions of VENITS papers will be considered for publication in one relevant journal Special Issue (TBD) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Important Dates: ================ Submission deadline: March 15, 2020 Notification of acceptance: April 27, 2020 Camera-ready version: May 11, 2020 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scope: ====== Over the years, we have witnessed the merging of wireless communications and transportation technologies. This excellent combination of two important fields has propelled our capabilities even further, allowing us to communicate anytime and anywhere, thereby improving the traffic safety, reducing the travel costs, and increasing our life quality tremendously. Once the new Intelligent Transportation Systems are deployed, our roads and highways will be able to provide enhanced services to users through the combination of V2X and cellular communications, thus completely revolutionizing when and how we communicate, commute, and navigate, in the coming future. Under such conditions, several issues remain open in the field on vehicular networking, including message dissemination in congested environments, Quality of Service (QoS), efficient and adaptive routing, MAC layer enhancements, mobility prediction, efficient handovers, and also in Intelligent Transportation Systems, such as efficient road traffic managing, optimal emergency services operation, etc. This workshop is soliciting original technical papers addressing the main research challenges in the vehicular networking and the intelligent transportation systems area. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following scope: - Wireless vehicular networking - Congestion and admission control in dense vehicular networks - Content distribution in wireless vehicular environments - Smartphone/vehicle integration - Service oriented architectures, service portability, P2P - Cooperative sensing of road conditions - Network and system architectures for mobile vehicular computing - DSRC/WAVE communications. DSRC alternatives and supporting technologies - Network protocols and algorithms, including clustering, routing, etc. - Cross-layer protocol design - Statistical analysis, prediction and management of vehicular mobility - Multimedia communications in vehicular scenarios - Models, simulators and tools for vehicular environments - Communications for safety of vulnerable road users - Communications for automated driving - Security and trust issues in vehicular environments Papers Submission: ================== Submitted papers must represent original material that is not currently under review in any other conference or journal, and has not been previously published. Paper length should be no longer than 6-page (double-column, 10-point font) technical paper manuscript. Two additional pages are permitted if the authors are willing to pay an over-length charge at the time of publication (manuscripts should not exceed 8 pages) Papers should be formatted in standard IEEE camera ready format and must be submitted in .pdf format on the EDAS paper submission website. The submission link is: http://www.grc.upv.es/VENITS/2020/authors.html https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icccn2020 See ICCCN 2020 conference website for more details: http://icccn.org/icccn20/call-for-papers/author-information/ Organization: ============= General co-Chairs: ================== Carlos Tavares Calafate (Technical University of Valencia, Spain) Francisco J. Martinez (University of Zaragoza, Spain) Steering Committee: =================== Yusheng Ji (National Institute of Informatics, Japan) Bertrand Ducourthial (University of Technology of Compiegne, France) Fawzi Nashashibi (INRIA, France) Publicity Chairs: ================= Peppino Fazio (University of Calabria, Italy) Julio A. Sanguesa (Centro Universitario de la Defensa, Spain) Chaker Abdelaziz Kerrache (University of Laghouat, Algeria) Program Committee: ================== Chaker Abdelaziz Kerrache (University of Ghardaia, Algeria) Oscar Alvear (Technical University of Valencia, Spain) Ali Balador (SICS Swedish ICT, Sweden) Annette Böhm (Halmstad University, Sweden) Carlos Tavares Calafate (Technical University of Valencia, Spain) Juan Carlos Cano (Technical University of Valencia, Spain) Baldomero Coll (Miguel Hernandez University, Spain) Floriano DeRango (University of Calabria, Italy) Peppino Fazio (University of Calabria, Italy) Manuel Fogue (University of Zaragoza, Spain) Piedad Garrido (University of Zaragoza, Spain) Jorge Herrera Tapia (Eloy Alfaro de Manabí University, Ecuador) Dongkyun Kim (Kyungpook National University, South Korea) Pietro Manzoni (Technical University of Valencia, Spain) Johann Marquez-Barja (University of Antwerpen - IMEC, Belgium) Francisco J. Martinez (University of Zaragoza, Spain) Manuel Ricardo (University of Oporto, Portugal) Stefan Ruehrup (FTW - Telecommunications Research Center Vienna, Austria) Julio Sangüesa (Centro Universitario de la Defensa, Zaragoza, Spain) Jose Santa (University of Murcia, Spain) Oyunchimeg Shagdar (VEDECOM, France) Christoph Sommer (University of Paderborn, Germany) For more information see http://www.grc.upv.es/VENITS/2020/
- [icnrg] [CFP] VENITS 2020 workshop (in conjunctio… chaker abdelaziz kerrache