[icnrg] Re: Last call: IRTF Code of Conduct

Colin Perkins <csp@csperkins.org> Sun, 22 September 2024 22:40 UTC

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Subject: [icnrg] Re: Last call: IRTF Code of Conduct
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The Last Call on the IRTF Code of Conduct has concluded.

Thanks to all those who sent comments and provided feedback: 
has now been submitted with the following minor changes:

* Move the Rationale earlier in the document

* Clarify definition of harassment to read “Harassment is behaviour 
that is unwelcome, hostile, or intimidating. Harassment includes, in 
particular, …” rather than “Harassment is unwelcome, hostile, or 
intimidating behaviour, in particular….”

* Be specific that harassment is not tolerated in virtual meetings 
rather than implying this under “other online forums”.

* Add a paragraph to say: “The IRTF sometimes organises meetings or 
activities that co-locate with events organised by others. These 
meetings or activities may need to follow the anti-harassment policy of 
the hosting event, which may differ from that of the IRTF. In such 
cases, the organisers of the IRTF meeting or activity should check with 
the IRTF Chair to confirm that the policy is acceptable and it should be 
made clear to participants what policy applies.”

* Clarify that permanent suspension of posting rights requires approval 
from the IRTF Chair, not merely consultation.

* Minor clarifications to the wording about Language and Imagery.

* Clarify that documents Internet drafts that build on prior work should 
only be written with the permission of any co-authors.

* In research ethics, rephrase “ensuring that those who bear the risk 
also gain some benefit” to “taking care to ensure that…”

* Clarify that “restrict individual from using IRTF systems” should 
be “…using IRTF IT systems” to match [RESTRICTING].

The draft will now proceed to the IRSG review stage.


On 28 Aug 2024, at 11:50, Colin Perkins wrote:

> The IRSG is proposing that the IRTF adopt the code of conduct 
> described in 
> [draft-perkins-irtf-code-of-conduct](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-perkins-irtf-code-of-conduct/).
> If adopted, this code of conduct will apply to participation in all 
> IRTF research groups, the IRTF open meeting, IRTF workshops such as 
> the ANRW, mailing list discussions, and other IRTF activities.
> The code of conduct provides guidelines for conduct in meetings and on 
> mailing lists, use of language and imagery, academic integrity, 
> research ethics, and accessibility.
> The IRSG is proposing the IRTF adopt this code of conduct, distinct 
> from that of the IETF ([RFC 
> 7154](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc7154/)) because the IETF 
> code of conduct is focussed on appropriate conduct for the development 
> of standards, while the IRTF needs guidelines for the conduct of 
> research. The differences between the two documents reflect the 
> different roles of IRTF and IETF. Policies that are shared between the 
> two organisations, such as those relating to anti-harassment and 
> inclusive language, and the role of the Ombudsteam, are included by 
> reference.
> This proposal has been under discussion by the IRSG since October 
> 2023. Community feedback has been sought via the IRTF announcement 
> mailing list, in the IRTF open meetings at IETF 118, 119, and 120, and 
> in the plenary of the recent IETF 120 meeting in Vancouver. A number 
> of research groups have also previously circulated calls for feedback.
> If you have any final comments or feedback on this [proposed IRTF code 
> of 
> conduct](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-perkins-irtf-code-of-conduct/), 
> please send them to the IRSG (irsg@irtf.org) with a copy to the 
> irtf-discuss@irtf.org mailing list. The deadline for comments is 
> Friday, September 13, 2024.
> Colin Perkins
> IRTF Chair
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