[Idna-update] Updating the review procedure in RFC 5892 for new Unicode versions

John C Klensin <john-ietf@jck.com> Thu, 20 June 2019 22:52 UTC

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As many of you know, several things emerged from the urgent
effort to get IDNA tables based on Unicode 11.0 to IANA and
published.  One was a misconception that those tables were
somehow normative enough that their absence was blocking other
work.  Another was confusion about the review process itself and
what was expected.  Patrik and I have put together a first draft
of an update to RFC 5892 to address those issues and a few
others.  I'm trying to work with the i18n directorate and the
ADs to figure out how to process it (probably along with a list
of documents that have been pending discussion and action for
years).  In the interim, we would appreciate those on this list
(and interested in IDNA) to review it and comment rather than
waiting until the last minute.

