[Idr] IETF-87 agenda topics

John Scudder <jgs@juniper.net> Mon, 08 July 2013 19:14 UTC

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We're planning to meet at IETF-87 on Thursday, August 1 from 15:20 to 16:50.  Please forward any IDR agenda items you might have to Sue and myself.  The deadline is July 16 by 10:00 U.S. Eastern Time, although earlier is better.  Given the tardiness of this announcement we'll work to accommodate those who need additional time, but priority will still be given to those who get their requests in before the deadline.

If you have previously presented on your topic at an IDR meeting, please explain in your request what you hope to achieve with your presentation this time.

If you plan to make a presentation, please keep in mind the IDR tradition, "no Internet Draft - no time slot".  You should also plan to send your slides to Sue and me no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting, though again, earlier is better.

Finally, if you request an agenda slot, please do so by replying to this message and don't change the subject line.


--John & Sue