Re: [Idr] Benjamin Kaduk's No Objection on draft-ietf-idr-bgp-ls-segment-routing-msd-17: (with COMMENT)

Jeff Tantsura <> Thu, 07 May 2020 06:30 UTC

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Date: Wed, 06 May 2020 23:30:03 -0700
From: Jeff Tantsura <>
To: Alvaro Retana <>, Benjamin Kaduk <>
Cc: Susan Hares <>,,, The IESG <>,
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Subject: Re: [Idr] Benjamin Kaduk's No Objection on draft-ietf-idr-bgp-ls-segment-routing-msd-17: (with COMMENT)
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Hi Ben,

It seemed that having in RFC8491 and RFC8476 the following text:
"When Link MSD is present for a given MSD-Type, the value of the Link MSD MUST take precedence over the Node MSD. If a Link MSD-Type is not signaled, but the Node MSD-Type is, then the Node MSD-Type value MUST be considered to be the MSD value for that link.”, as well as placing "Node MSD is the smallest MSD supported” specifically in the Node MSD section,
e.g. - applicable in context of Node MSD only, provided clear guidance to the implementors (which is the case).
There’s a number of implementations that implement the behavior as the above, the authors of RFC8491 and RFC8476 have not received any questions or complains wrt inconsistency.

I really appreciate your comments, I believe we have a different intepretation of the text.

Many thanks!

On May 6, 2020, 2:33 PM -0700, Benjamin Kaduk <>, wrote:
> On Wed, May 06, 2020 at 02:22:45PM -0700, Alvaro Retana wrote:
> > On May 6, 2020 at 1:56:07 PM, Benjamin Kaduk wrote:
> >
> >
> > Ben:
> >
> > Hi!
> >
> > ...
> > > It sounds like you are intending this to work the way that I was hoping it
> > > would work, which is reassuring. That said (and this relates to a later
> > > comment as well), I think we may want to double-check the wording in one
> > > spot: in Section 3 we define the "Node MSD is the smallest MSD supported by
> > > the node on the set of interfaces configured for use." This definition
> > > seems to disallow advertising a Node MSD that is larger than any specific
> > > Link MSD for that node. My question here was about whether a receiving
> > > node was expected to enforce this (surprising) aspect of the definition.
> > > If, instead, the definition should be changed to say only that the Node MSD
> > > is the MSD to be used for interfaces on this node in the absence of an
> > > interface-specific value, then there is no longer any enforcement needed.
> >
> > §5 does say this: "When Link MSD is present for a given MSD-type, the
> > value of the Link MSD MUST take precedence over the Node MSD."
> >
> > Is that what you're looking for.
> That's what I expect, yes.
> But right now the document seems to be inconsistent, as the Node MSD is
> claimed to be "the smallest MSD supported" but can be other values.
> > Keep in mind that the expectation of BGP-LS is to simply transport
> > information; the rules around that information and how the consumer
> > should process it come form the IGP documents.  IOW, in this case
> > we're bound by what those published documents already say (see RFC8491
> > and RFC8476).
> So the published documents are also inconsistent?
> It still looks like we are defining usage of a field that contradicts what
> that field is defined to carry. I am not sure whether the contradiction is
> across documents, within multiple documents, or only within this current
> document.
> If we're locked into the already-defined semantics that's fine (albeit
> unfortunate), but we shouldn't then claim that it's allowed to violate the
> already-defined semantics.
> -Ben