[Idr] FW: IDR Status - 3/4/2020

Susan Hares <shares@ndzh.com> Tue, 03 March 2020 17:14 UTC

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Hi all: 


We are heading toward IETF where we will have: 


1) Discussion on Flow specification next steps

2) Auto configuration discussion - based on design group 


I only have 1 WG LC going this week, and all  adoptions 

are waiting on IPR calls.   I can run additional WG LC and WG adoptions. 


I would like to run an interest calls for any new flow specification drafts.

For the existing flow specification drafts, would you please let me know 

If you plan to update your draft before IETF.   


Cheerily, Sue 




At RFC editor - missing reference  

> draft-ietf-idr-bgp-ls-segment-routing-ext-16   [243 days] 
*	Draft-ietf-idr-bgp-ls-segment-routing-epe-19.txt  [288 days] 


Sent to IESG for publication --- Turning on  

1)  <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-idr-tunnel-encaps/>
draft-ietf-idr-tunnel-encaps-14 - sent to IESG 

       Shepherd: John Scudder 

       Status:  revised draft needed 

       [IESG Publication requested: 10/10/2019

       AD evaluation begins: 1/17/2020 - 2/21/2020] 

      Waiting for draft since: 2/21/2020 


2) draft-ietf-idr-bgp-ls-segment-routing-msd-08.txt

     [Shepherd: Susan Hares]

     Status:  Revised ID submitted, Awaiting AD response 

     IESG Publication requested:  10/15/2019

     AD evaluation beings: 2/21/2020

     AD evaluation ends: 2/26/2020] 

     Revised ID submitted: 2/28/2020 

     Shepherd's comments updated:  3/3/2020



3) draft-ietf-idr-capabilities-registry-change-05.txt 

      [Shepherd: Susan Hares]

       Status: Awaiting revised ID  [21 days] 

      [IESG Publication requested: 10/15/2019 

      AD Evaluation begins:  2/11/2020

      AD Evaluation ends: 2/11/2020]



WG LC done - needing adjustments before submission to IESG 


1) draft-ietf-idr-rfc5575bis-19.txt - 

    Shepherd: John Scudder 

   Status:  Awaiting John Scudder's mail list call 

   Pending since: 1/23/2020 



2)  draft-ietf-idr-flowspec-path-redirect-09.txt 

      Shepherd:  Susan Hares

      Status: Support for WG publication, but interoperability issues raised

      Next steps: 

        1) Consider John Scudder's email on RFC5575bis 

        2) Discuss whether this should be one of Flow Spec -NG 



3) draft-ietf-idr-rfc8203bis.05.txt  

    Shepherd: Susan Hares 

      Next Steps:  submit -06.txt 

      Waiting Revised ID:  Draft -06.txt - with IANA nits fixed.

      Waiting Time: 4 months

                      ID:  Authors:   All you need to do is replace the
following text in the IANA Section 

                      Old:  /Cease Notification message subcodes/

                      New: /BGP Cease NOTIFICATION message subcodes/

                       Please - it is a 5 minute fix.


4) draft-ietf-idr-ext-opt-param [Shepherd: Susan Hares]  

Next Steps:

a) Author:  Wiki report on implementations needs 

    details on what is supported by each implementation 

b) Shepherd write-up:  [ETA 3/8] 



5)  draft-idr-eag-distribution-09.txt - 

      Shepherd: Susan Hares 

      WG LC:  [10/30/2019 to 11/13/2019] - extended for 1 week to 11/24. 

       Status: [on hold awaiting decision from AD and WG chairs] 

       ETA: 3/8/2020 




1) Draft-ietf-idr-flow-spec-v6-10.txt 

     WG LC:  3/3/ to 3/17/2020 

      Shepherd [John Scudder] 

      Comment:  v6 additions to RFC5575bis 

         Needed for v4 publication at IESG  



WG adoption (non-flow specification drafts) 


1) draft-li-idr-sr-policy-path-mtu-03.txt 

    IPR call:  2/24 to 3/4/2020  

    Status:   IPR missing:  Y. Zhu, A. Sawaf



WG Adoption/ Interest Calls:  for Flow Specification information 


Since the flow specification will require a IETF 107 WG discussion, 

These WG adoption calls are interest calls.   

We hope to provide the 


1)  draft-li-idr-flowspec-srv6-02.txt 

IPR response missing from:    Huaimo Chen,  Chris Loibl, 

      Y. Fan,  L. Liu,  X. Liu 



WG Adoption requested (on  hold) 



Status:  IPR call in progress 

 1)  IPR - No responses received, please send IPR response  

2) WG adoption on hold due to on list discuss 


AD's Comments requiring in depth work to solve: 


1) draft-ietf-idr-bgp-bestpath-selection-criteria-12

       Status:  AD discussion requires rework of draft.   


n/> draft-ietf-idr-bgp-optimal-route-reflection-20

    Status: Awaiting a rework of draft. 


In Early Allocation: 

.        draft-ietf-idr-flowspec-nv03-06.txt - 

                Status: in progress with chair/expert reviewers 

                 ETA: 3/8 

.         draft-ietf-idr-flowspec-nv03-13.txt 

Status: in progress with chair/expert reviewers