[Idr] Re: Request SPRING WG review and comments for draft-liu-idr-sr-segment-list-optimize

梁艳荣 <liangyanrong@ruijie.com.cn> Wed, 18 September 2024 10:08 UTC

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Hi Yisong , WG, 
I've reviewed your document, and the two issues mentioned are indeed very common.
In my opinion, solving these two problems is meaningful and practical, as it can reduce unnecessary bandwidth overhead.

> From: "Yisong Liu"<liuyisong@chinamobile.com>
> Date:  Wed, Sep 11, 2024, 16:33
> Subject:  [Idr] Request  SPRING WG review and comments for draft-liu-idr-sr-segment-list-optimize
> To: "spring"<spring@ietf.org>
> Cc: "Susan"<shares@ndzh.com>, "idr"<idr@ietf.org>
> Dear SPRING WG members,
> When presenting the  draft-liu-idr-sr-segment-list-optimize at the IDR interim meeting, based on the suggestions from the IDR and SPRING chairs,  we will distribute the described issues in SPRING mailing list.  We hope to seek WG member's opinions to determine whether the problem scenarios described in the draft are common and need to be addressed.
> Here is the brief description of the problems of this draft. 
> In the tunnel splicing scenarios or cross domain path splicing scenarios, the SRH extension header of VPN user's data packets forwarded based on this SRv6 Policy will simultaneously encapsulate the End SID and VPN SID of the egress node.In this way, the following problems will arise:
> Problem 1: PSP behavior may not be executable.
> Problem 2: The forwarding efficiency of egress node decreases.
> For detailed information , please see the draft in the link below : 
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-liu-idr-sr-segment-list-optimize/
> We request for review and comments in SPRING.  Welcome any discussions, suggestions or comments.
> Best Regards
> Yisong on behalf of co-authors