[Idr] draft-ietf-idr-bgp-ls-sbfd-extensions-03.txt - 2 week Early Allocation Call [6/2/19 to 6/16/2019]

"Susan Hares" <shares@ndzh.com> Mon, 03 June 2019 02:27 UTC

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From: Susan Hares <shares@ndzh.com>
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Subject: [Idr] draft-ietf-idr-bgp-ls-sbfd-extensions-03.txt - 2 week Early Allocation Call [6/2/19 to 6/16/2019]
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This begins a 2 week Early Allocation call for parameters from: 




The authors are requesting for early code point allocation from 

IANA to enable implementations with suggested code points as indicated


The criteria for early allocation includes:  stable working group document, 

clear technical solution and implementation interest.   The IDR chairs 

believe this document meets these criteria. Please let us know if you 

think this draft meets these criteria. 


If you support early adoption,  please include "support" in your along

with any comments about the draft's technical solution.  Since the 

authors are heading into testing implementations, any comments about

error or improvements will be helpful to the authors.  


If you do not support early allocation, please include 

include "no support in your email" and indicate why. 


Cheerily, Sue Hares 




   This document requests assigning code-points from the registry "BGP-

   LS Node Descriptor, Link Descriptor, Prefix Descriptor, and Attribute

   TLVs" based on table below.  The column "IS-IS TLV/Sub-TLV" defined

   in the registry does not require any value and should be left empty.


The authors suggest the following value. 



          |  Code Point   | Description              | Length   |


          |     1032      | S-BFD Discriminators TLV | variable |
