[Idr] Inter-Domain Routing (idr) WG Virtual Meeting: 2024-09-09

IESG Secretary <iesg-secretary@ietf.org> Mon, 12 August 2024 14:54 UTC

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The Inter-Domain Routing (idr) WG will hold a virtual interim meeting on
2024-09-09 from 10:00 to 12:30 America/New_York (14:00 to 16:30 UTC).

BGP-LS and BGP SR routing Interim

Topic: Status on Existing IDR WG Drafts and New Individual drafts 
Time: 10:00-12:30 EDT 

Interim Agenda: 
1. status on all IDR WG drafts for BGP-LS or BGP-SR routing
   [IDR Chairs] 

2. Detailed presentation for WG drafts asking for WG LC 
   for BGP-LS or BGP SR routing drafts 

3. Detailed presentation for Individual Drafts asking for WG adoption. 

Any authors wishing to request WG LC or WG Adoption by the IDR WG 
of BGP-LS or SR drafts should plan to prepare a presentation for 
this meeting (9/9/2024). 

Prior to 9/3/2024, all IDR WG drafts bgp-ls and SR drafts will 
receive a shepherd's review on idr@ietf.org.  Individual drafts 
proposed for IDR will also receive a shepherd's review. 

Information about remote participation:


A calendar subscription for all idr meetings is available at