[Idr] draft-chen-bgp-redist - A Juniper Perspective
Jeffrey Haas <jhaas@pfrc.org> Fri, 20 August 2021 19:22 UTC
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From: Jeffrey Haas <jhaas@pfrc.org>
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Enke & Jenny, While I'm inclined to say that the matters described in draft-chen-bgp-redist aren't a problem, it's probably more reasonable to say "this isn't a problem for everyone". I'm not going to debate what other implementations do. Instead, I'll spend the much of my message discussing what the implementation I work on does. This does leave us in an interesting headache as a working group whether there's more general work to do here that merits discussion as an RFC. ---- One thing I will contribute toward some possible need for discussion is the sloppy ground that RFC 4271 had with regards to interactions with non-BGP protocols. We had quite a difficult time getting the text for this "right" and there was multiple pushes to try to NOT discuss non-BGP protocols at all. Such discussions got very deep in the internal details of various implementations. What we did end up with in RFC 4271 was the following: The BGP RIBs are a distinct entity from the "Routing Table". Section 9.1.2 places the best BGP route in the Loc-RIB. It also says, "Whether the new BGP route replaces an existing non-BGP route in the Routing Table depends on the policy configured on the BGP speaker." Section 9.1.3 for Route Dissemination then says the following: : The Phase 3 decision function is invoked on completion of Phase 2, or : when any of the following events occur: : [...] : b) when locally generated routes learned by means outside of BGP : have changed : [...] : : All routes in the Loc-RIB are processed into Adj-RIBs-Out according : to configured policy. So... there's not a lot of normative text there. The last sentence above, "configured policy", is the wiggle room the RFC has to say "I'm originating a route". The general call in the RFC to not advertise things you can't forward to also provides some level of wiggle room that the best route in the Routing Table is what should be redistributed: : A route SHALL NOT : be installed in the Adj-Rib-Out unless the destination, and NEXT_HOP : described by this route, may be forwarded appropriately by the : Routing Table. Anyway, the text is sloppy and discussions about how redistribution is done and whether that is shown in the Loc-Rib view or as an override to the rib-out manifests in discussions in things like BMP or the Yang modules. It's still not as cleanly settled as it should be. Offering my opinion on this abstract model, I've tended to think about a better route in the Routing Table (e.g. a static route with a better admin distance/preference) as being selected into the Loc-Rib by considering it a route injected via a virtual Adj-Rib-In. But that's just my personal justification. ---- Juniper's implementation roughly works like the following. Since it's derived from GateD heritage, many similar implementations will behave in a similar fashion. In a single routing table, there is a total ordering on all contributors to a given destination. The highest level of ordering is "preference", which roughly corresponds to admin-distance. When routes are BGP routes, the BGP routes are ordered based largely on standard RFC rules. The deviations from those rules are the usual vendor deviations from standards based on when the later standards were published, and the mix of features the operator wants. Examples of deviations are whether RFC 5004 is used for temporal vs. router-id based deterministic tie-breaking. BGP routes vs. non-BGP routes are not directly comparable, even when they have the same preference, but we have criteria that permits them to be selected deterministically. For non-BGP routes vs. non-BGP routes of two different protocols, we similarly will select things deterministically, but may be willing to use particular properties of the routes that may be comparable; e.g. metric. Much of this process is documented here: https://www.juniper.net/documentation/en_US/junos/topics/reference/general/routing-protocols-address-representation.html For the described scenarios in draft-chen-bgp-redist, JUNOS doesn't have determinism issues. In our more recent multi-threaded BGP mode, we at one point in the design had an issue somewhat related to the one described in the draft. In our implementation, we address the issue by always making the Routing Table and the BGP thread always exchange the best route in the local total-ordering. -- Jeff
- [Idr] draft-chen-bgp-redist - A Juniper Perspecti… Jeffrey Haas
- Re: [Idr] draft-chen-bgp-redist - A Juniper Persp… Robert Raszuk
- Re: [Idr] draft-chen-bgp-redist - A Juniper Persp… Enke Chen
- Re: [Idr] draft-chen-bgp-redist - A Juniper Persp… Jeff Tantsura
- Re: [Idr] draft-chen-bgp-redist - A Juniper Persp… Jeffrey Haas
- Re: [Idr] draft-chen-bgp-redist - A Juniper Persp… Jeffrey Haas
- Re: [Idr] draft-chen-bgp-redist - A Juniper Persp… Jeff Tantsura